View Dealer’s Profile of Commercial Tax West Bengal

Organization : Directorate of Commercial Taxes West Bengal
Facility : View Dealer Profile
Home Page :https://www.wbcomtax.nic.in/welcome.asp
View here : http://egov.wbcomtax.gov.in/DealerProfile/
Search here : http://egov.wbcomtax.gov.in/TinSearch/

How To View WBCOMTAX Dealer’s Profile?

** Enter User id and Password and Click the “Submit” button .
** Dealer’s Profile will be shown for current financial year such as

Related / Similar Service :
WB Commercial Taxes Get Way Bills Online

a) Electronic VAT Return
b) Electronic CST Return
c) Electronic CST Declaration Forms Issued (including dematerialized forms)
d) e-Waybill Issued (including dematerialized forms)
e) e-Payment Made
f) Application Status for CST DF and e-Waybills Demand Notice
** After viewing the profile Logout.

Search for a dealer registered under VAT/CST Act :
** Search by TIN (VAT/CST R.C. No.)
** Search by Trade Name

Search by TIN :
Please provide your R.C. No. in the box given below : [Any of the R.C.Nos under the WB VAT Act, 2003 or C.S.T Act, 1956 may be inserted]
** Enter Registration Certificate No.

Search by Trade Name :
Please provide your Trade Name in the box given below [Use % sign in between the words and at the end. You may put % at the begining also if required.](e.g. if trade name is R.S. ENTERPRISE, then you may write R%S%ENT%; if trade name is ANANDAMOYEE CONSTRUCTION, then you may write ANAND%M%CON%; if trade name is COMPUTER SYSTEM PVT. LTD. then you may write COMP%SYS%P%L%. if trade name is MAA TARA AGENCY, then you may write %TARA%AG%)
Enter Trade Name

About Us :
The Directorate of Commercial Taxes, West Bengal is headed by the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes. Below the Commissioner, there are two Special Commissioners.

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There are Additional Commissioners, Sr. Joint Commissioners, Joint Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Commercial Tax Officers and Assistant Commercial Tax Officers to assist the Commissioner.

Circles – State of West Bengal is divided into 16 Circles. A Circle is headed a Sr. Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes. He is supported by other Sr. Joint Commissioners and Joint Commissioners. They exercise administrative, appellate and revisional jurisdiction over the Charges under the Circles.


1. How To Get User-Id And Password After Getting New Registration?
Dealer himself has to create user-id and password through the link given in the website as Generate of User-id providing registration no, pan no and the mail-id recorded in database.

2. How To Know The User-Id Only?
In case the dealer forgets or loses his user-id, the dealer himself can know his user-id through the link given in the website as Generate of User-id providing registration no, pan no and the mail-id recorded in database.

3. How To Change Password ?
There are two options to change the password :
i) Through Change password link only available after login : dealer can change his password after successful login through the link provided at top left side of the screen appeared.

ii) Using forget password link available in the normal login screen : dealer can change his password through this link himself providing hint question and the answer. On successful matching system will sent a temporary password along with assigned user-id to the mail-id recorded in database.

Functions of West Bengal Commercial Tax

The West Bengal Commercial Tax Department is responsible for collecting indirect taxes in the state of West Bengal, India. These taxes are levied on the sale of goods and services, and they are a major source of revenue for the state government.

The West Bengal Commercial Tax Department has a number of functions, including:
** Registration of taxpayers: The department registers all businesses that are liable to pay indirect taxes.
** Assessment of tax liability: The department assesses the tax liability of businesses based on their turnover and the type of goods or services they sell.
** Collection of taxes: The department collects taxes from businesses through a variety of methods, including electronic filing, direct debit, and cash payments.
** Enforcement of tax laws: The department enforces tax laws by investigating cases of tax evasion and taking action against taxpayers who fail to comply with the law.
** Providing taxpayer services: The department provides a number of taxpayer services, such as help with tax returns, information about tax laws, and mediation services.

Categories: West Bengal
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