pdapatiala.gov.in Transfer Property of Registered/ Unregistered Will : PDA Patiala Punjab

Organization : Patiala Urban Planing & Development Authority Punjab
Facility : Transfer Property of Registered/ Unregistered Will

Home Page :http://pdaipms.com/login.aspx
Download here : http://pdaipms.com/login.aspx

Transfer Property on the basis of Regist. or Unregistered Will :
Procedure :
** Application Form
** Certified copy of Will, if the will is registered OR Attested copy of Will, if the Will is
** UN-registered. In case, the Will is in a language, other than English, Hindi or Punjabi, a
** translated copy of the Will in English or Punjabi may also be attached.
** Liability Affidavit of beneficiaries of the Will.
** Affidavits regarding No objection from all the left-out legal heirs if the property is
** bequeathed to one of the legal heirs or anyone outside the family on the basis of a Will.
** Original Death Certificate of deceased Owner.
** Photographs of all Legal Heirs of the beneficiaries of Will.
** Photo identity proofs of all beneficiaries / Applicants.
** Affidavit of attesting witnesses (applicable only for unregistered Will).
** Clearance of previous mortgage / Loan / Redemption Deed.

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Time limit :
45 days

It would be preferred to print on A4 sheet.

leaving behind the following legal heirs :
** hat the above said deceased owner had executed a registered / unregistered will in my / our favour with respect to inheriting the said property.
** That I / We undertake to pay all dues in connection with the above said property mentioned
above as well as abide by the provisions of the Punjab Regional and Town Planning and
Development Act, 1995 and rules, framed there-under, and the terms and conditions mentioned
in the Allotment Letter.
** That there is no litigation pending in any court of law regarding this property.
** That all the legal heirs of the deceased have been mentioned above and no legal heir / heirs have
been left out. It is further indemnified that in case any legal heirs or other persons make any
claim regarding the above said property, such litigation shall be defended by me / us and any loss
suffered by PDA/PDA or any of its employees will be made good.

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