Apply for Employment Card Sikkim : Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department

Organization :Sikkim Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department
Facility : Apply for Employment Card

Home Page : http://sikkimlrdm.gov.in/index.html
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/4854-EmpCard.pdf

Documents Required :
** Call SSCI Citizenship certificate (Voter 10 Cardl RC for non Local)
** Educational qualification ‘certificate
** Migration certificate (In case for those having Class X & above qualification)
** girth Certificatel School Certificate (for birth proof)
** Residential certificate for persons having migrated from other District other than East District and presently residing in the East District.
** Recommendation from the concemed area MLA
** Two nos. of passport size photograph.

ote :
All the documents except Area MLA recommendation should be duly attested by the attesting authority only.

Process Sheet :
The following documents have been submitted by the applicant and entries have been made in J the live register :
** Area MLA recommendation. –
** SSG! COl! Citizenship certificate.
** Qualification certificate.
** Residential certificate! Voter’s ID Card.
** Two nos. of passport size photograph.
** Birth Certificate. Submitted for favour of approval and signature, please. Dealing Assistant

Related Post

Application Form For Employment Card :
Applicatuion Send to :
The District Collectorl A.D.C.! S.D.M., East District Collectorate, Gangtok.

Sub. Enrollment of name in the live register :
I request you to kindly enroll my name in the “LIVE REGISTER” of Employment for the purpose of employment as per the information below

Format Of Application :
** Name (IN BLOCK LED ER) ..
** Sio. 0/0, Wlo & Date of birth .
** Present Address & Permanent Address
** Qualification , .
** Post applied for. .
** Whether OBCI MBCI SCI ST (tick mark whichever applicable) ..
** Whether physically handicapped : (Yesl No) .. (If yes, appropriate certificate to be enclosed)
** Whether domicile of Sikkim : (Yesl No) . (If yes, Call SSCI Citizenship certificate to be enclosed).

Approved and signed for issue! Remarks. :
District Collector! Add!. Dlstt. Collector! Sub-Dlv. Magistrate
Entries in the issue register have been made vide Serial No ./ DCE dated and filed. Dealing Assistant
S.G.P.G -12/ DC (Easl)/ form for employment cordi 10,000 Cps.I dt. 21.04.2008.

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