BSNL Employee’s Salary Slip Online : myhr.bsnl.co.in

Organization : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd
Type of Facility : Employee’s Salary Slip Online
Country : India

Website : http://myhr.bsnl.co.in/portal/Login.do

BSNL HR Management System

** Username is the HR Staff number of the employee.
** Password for the first time is the date of birth (ddmmyyyy).

Related / Similar Facility : BSNL Search Request / Lead

** Password can be reset by employee using Forgot password – on login page.
** After reset, password will be date of birth (ddmmyyyy).
** User has to change the password on first time login or after reset.

** The staff data shown in the portal is what is filled by the Unit/SSA Administrator.
** You may contact SSA/Unit Admin for any decrepancies in HR data.
** The Pay data is as per filled by the DDO.
** Salary Slip, GPF Ledger, etc will be dependent on the Pay process status of DDO.
** Please contact your System Administrator in case of problems in login.

Qualification at the time of Appointment :
Requisite qualification as per the eligibility terms and conditions of initial recruitment.

Other Qualification :
Any other important qualification acquired before or after appointment

About Us:

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. was incorporated on 15th september 2000 . It took over the business of providing of telecom services and network management from the erstwhile Central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO), with effect from 1st October‘ 2000 on going concern basis.It is one of the largest & leading public sector units providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India.


Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001


Will the applications available on BSNL Apps site be compatible to my handset?
Only those applications that are compatible to your handset are displayed when you browse through the BSNL Apps .

What are the charges for browsing and downloading from BSNL Apps ?
The browsing & downloading of content / application will be as per your data plan and you would be charged for the content only when you download a particular application on your handset.

For browsing you will be charged separately and for download you would be charged only when you download a particular application on your handset. The charges vary by application. These charges are displayed before you actually download.

The following charging models are currently used :
a. Free download
b. One-time payment – you are charged one time prior to download.

c. Subscription payment – can be per month, per week or per day. Per month model gives you an initial 30 day access to the application with automatic 30 day renewals till you cancel. Similarly per week gives you 7 day access and per day gives you 24 hour access.

d. Data charges for browsing/Downloading/network-aware apps are extra & as per Data plan opted by you.

Where can I find a list of my purchased applications?
To see your purchased applications, click My Purchases link on the BSNL Apps homepage.

Features of BSNL HR Management System

The BSNL HR Management System (HRMS) is a comprehensive software solution that helps organizations to manage their human resources (HR) effectively.

The system provides a wide range of features and functionalities that can help organizations to improve their HR processes, including:
** Recruitment and selection: The HRMS provides a comprehensive recruitment and selection solution that can help organizations to find the best talent for their open positions. The system includes features such as job requisition management, applicant tracking, and candidate assessment.
** Performance management: The HRMS provides a comprehensive performance management solution that can help organizations to assess the performance of their employees. The system includes features such as performance appraisal, goal setting, and feedback.
** Compensation and benefits: The HRMS provides a comprehensive compensation and benefits solution that can help organizations to manage their employee compensation and benefits programs. The system includes features such as salary administration, benefits administration, and tax reporting.
** Training and development: The HRMS provides a comprehensive training and development solution that can help organizations to develop their employees’ skills and knowledge. The system includes features such as training needs analysis, course management, and instructor management.

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