How to apply for Tribal Pass Andaman & Nicobar?

Organization : Andaman & Nicobar Administration
Facility : Issuance of Tribal Pass

Home Page : https://andaman.nic.in/
Download Forms here :https://andaman.nic.in/

Issuance Of Tribal Pass

Purpose :
A pass issued to any person or class of persons other than a member of an aboriginal tribe for entering into a tribal reserved area as per Annexure- I.

Related : Andaman & Nicobar Administration Get Islanders Identity Card : www.statusin.in/21990.html

Legal Provision :
Tribal Pass is issued in pursuance of Section 7 of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Protection of Aboriginal Tribes) Regulation, 1956 and rules made thereunder. Annexure- II.

Whom to Approach :
The Tribal Pass is issued by the Deputy Commissioner in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on receipt of application in Form “A” in duplicate, with supporting documents and justification for the purpose of visit to reserved area. The pass to Foreign nationals may be issued only on recommendation of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.

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How to Apply :
An application for grant of pass shall be made in Form “A”.

Documents to be adduced with the application :
A- Persons engaged in Tsunami Rehabilitation and Reconstruction :
i) Two Passport size photographs
ii) Proof of identity/ nationality, which may include-
(a) Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
(b) Islanders Identity Card
(c) Family Identity Card (Food Card)
(d) Passport
(e) Local certificate
(f) Any other document duly certified/ attested by a responsible Gazetted Officer.
iii) Recommendation/ Sponsorship of the concerned department/ Govt. agency justifying the visit to the reserved area.
iv) Character/ Antecedents Certificate signed by any responsible officer of the sponsoring department/ Gazetted Officer of any of the Govt. Departments, failing which the same will be forwarded to the Police Department for verification.

B- General Public :
i) Justification for the purpose of visit to the tribal reserved area.
ii) Proof of identity/ nationality, certified/ attested by a responsible officer of the Administration, which may include-
a. Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
b. Islanders Identity Card
c. Family Identity Card (Food Card)
d. Passport
e. Local certificate
f. Any other document, duly certified/ attested by a responsible Gazetted Officer.

Period for which pass is granted :
A pass may be granted for a period of one year or a part thereof.

A pass issued under Section 7 & of the said Regulation may, subject to the provisions of the Rules made thereof, be renewed for a further period not exceeding one year.
The Pass-holder may apply to the Deputy Commissioner in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in Form “D” with supporting documents. Annexure-IV

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