How to apply for Grant of Tourist/ National Permit Andaman & Nicobar?

Organization : Andaman & Nicobar Administration
Facility : Application for Grant of Tourist/ National Permit

Home Page :https://andaman.nic.in/
Application here :https://www.andamantourism.gov.in/Foreigners.php

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Applicant for grant of authorisation for Tourist Permit or National Permit. :
Condition Of Tourist Permit :
** The permit shall be deemed to be invalid from the date on which the vehicle covered by the permit completed seven years, where the vehicle is a motor cab and five years, where the vehicle is other than a motor cab, unless the vehicle is replaced.
** Where the permit covered by a tourist permit is proposed to be replaced by another, the later vehicle shall not be more than two years old on the date of such replacement.
** For the purpose of the sub rule 2 of rule 82 o Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 the period of 2 years of 7 years shall be computed from the date of initial registration of the motor vehicle
** The permit holder shall cause to be prepared in respect of each trip a list in triplicate of tourist passengers to be carried in the vehicle, duly attested by the Executive Magistrate or sub-Inspector or Police or a Gazetted officer o the state Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority authorised in this regard of the area from which the tour emanates giving full particulars as under
(a)Name of the passenger
(b)Address of the passengers
(c)Age of the passengers
(d)Starting point and the point of destination.
** One copy of the list shall be sent by registered AD Post to the Authority which issued the permit for record, the second copy shall be carried in the tourist vehicle and shall be produced on demand by the officers authorised to demand production of documents by or under the ACT and the third copy shall be preserved by the permit holder.
** The tourist vehicle shall either commence its journey, or end its journey, circular or other wise, in the home state, subject to the condition that the vehicle shall not remain outside the home state for a period of more than two months. The permit holder shall see that every return of the tourist vehicle to the home state id reported to the authority which issued the permit.
Provided that where the contracted journey ends outside the home state, the vehicle shall not be offered for hire within theat state or from that state to any other state except for the return journey to any point in the home state.
** The Tourist vehicle may operate circular tours of places lying exclusively in home state or in the home state and outside the state if such circular tours are in the list approved by the tourist department of the home state to visit places of tourist, historical or religious importance and the tour is duly advertised before hand.

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