Copying & File Inspection of Societies : Registrar of Firms, Societies and Chits Uttarakhand

Organization : Uttarakhand Registrar Of Firms, Societies and Chits
Facility : Copying & File Inspection of Societies

Home Page :http://society.uk.gov.in/
For more details here :http://society.uk.gov.in/pages/display/60-society-copying

Society Copying :
Document of a Society Registered with the Registrar is a public Document,any person may obtain copy of any Document or part thereof by paying fees fixed by State Government from time to time.

The following procedure is to be followed for getting copy. :
** An Application addressed to Registrar court fees ticket paise 50 afixed on it
** Blank non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 3/- in name of society whose document are required for each set of document.

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Fees as per detail below :
** Urgent copy of certificate Rs. 200/- per Registration/ Renewal Certificate.
** Ordinary copy of certificate Rs. 100/- per Registration / Renwal Certificate.
** Urgent copy of documents Rs.120/- per page.
** Ordinary copy of documents Rs.60/- per page.

Copy against payment of urgent fees shall be issued within 24 hours,and copy against ordinary fees shall be issued after 4 working days. :
Copy of document can be obtained through post also, for that self addressed enevelope with requisite postal stamp is to be enclosed along with application form. Normally certified copy of registered document is issued however copy of unregistered document can also be issued provided that Registrar is convinced .

Society File Inspection :
Any person may inspect all documents filed with the Registrar under this act on payment of fees Rs. 200.00 per society, per day, or part thereof.However confidential part,noting,legal opinion of the file cannot be allowed to inspect.

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