CPAO : Pension Related Questions & Answers

Organization : Central Pension Accounting Office
Facility : Pension Related Questions & Answers

Home Page :https://cpao.nic.in/
Q & A here : https://cpao.nic.in/

Which rules Govern Pensions – :
Central Civil Services Pension Rules.

Who is the Pension Sanctioning Authority – :
Head of Office in the Ministry/Deptt./Office where a Government servant last served is the pension sanctioning authority.

What should a Government servant do to claim his pension :
The Head of Office is required undertake the work of preparation of pension papers in form No. 7 of Pension Rules two years before the date on which a Government is due to retire on superannuation. Eight months prior to the retirement date, a Government servant is required to furnish certain information (e.g. joint photo with wife/husband, family details, name of the branch of the authorised bank through which he desires to draw his pension etc.) to his Head of Office in the prescribed form No. 5. After complying with the requirements of CCS Pension Rules 59 & 60, the Head of Office has to forward to the Pay & Accounts Officer form 5 and form 7 duly completed with a covering letter in form 8 alongwith service book of the Government servant duly completed up-to-date and any other documents relied upon for the verification of service, not later than six months before the date of Retirement of Government Servant

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Who is to authorize the pension :
On receipt of pension papers from Head of Office, the Pay & Accounts Officer concerned will, after applying requisite checks, assess the amount of pension and issue the pension payment order (both halves of Pension Payment Order, i.e. disburser’s portion and pensioner’s portion) not later than one month in advance of the date of retirement of the Government servant with forwarding authority letter, duly ink-signed and embossed, to Central Pension Accounting Office which inturn will generate a Special Seal Authority on the basis of details given in the Pension Payment Order. the authority letter of the Pay & Accounts Officer and both halves of PPO with Special Seal Authority shall be forwarded to the concerned link branch of the authorised Bank in the State/Union Territory, which after keeping the details in the index register will transmit the documents received from the C.P.A.O. to its paying branch opted for by the pensioner for making payment thereof.

What is required in case the pension has not been fixed correctly – :
The Pay & Accounts Officer while issuing the pension authorization shall forward one copy of the pension calculation sheet (out of three received by him from the Head of Office) as certified by the Head of Office and countersigned by him (Pay & Accounts Officer) to the pensioner alongwith the intimation of his having sent the pension payment authority/PPO to the CPAO. In case it is found from the pension calculation sheet that pension has been fixed incorrectly, the matter may be taken-up with the Head of Office, PAO concerned who, if necessary, will issue an amendment authority letter to Central Pension Accounting Office for onward transmission to the paying branch (through its link branch) to carry out necessary amendments in both halves of PPO.

Whether retirement gratuity, death gratuity can be paid by PAO/CPAO – :
No. The amount of retirement/death gratuity as determined by the PAO shall be intimated to the Head of Office who will draw and disburse the amount to the retired Government servant or to the nominee/family as the case may be.

Is the Dearness Relief payable on original basic pension or on reduced pension after commutation – :
The Dearness Relief is payable on original basic pension before commutation.

Tags: cpao.nic.in

View Comments (3)

  • PPO No.520840400177
    I am a Family Pensioner. I have not yet received the arrears of Pension (Revision of pre-2006 Pensioners) . What is the position now? When I will get the arrears? I am drawing Pension through Indian Overseas Bank.
    Kumaran Kundrm Br. Chennai-600044

  • I am a Central Govt. Pensioner. My PPO No. is is 327140600081. My wife has expired on 17.01.2016. Please inform me the procedure to inform CPAO or any other organization about death of my wife (house wife).

    Ram Parkash Anand
    87 Guru Angad Nagar Extn.,
    Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092

    • From the Website :

      What is the procedure for switchover of pension payment from Pay & Accounts Office to authorised Bank ?
      The existing pensioner will be required to submit his transfer application in the form in Annexure IX of the Scheme in duplicate to his Pension Disbursing Authority i.e. Pay & Accounts Office or Treasury as the case may be. Transfer application in duplicate shall be forwarded immediately by the Pay & Accounts Office alongwith the disburser’s copy of the PPO halves, duly authenticated and written up-to-date to the CPAO for transmission to the link branch of the authorised Bank for arranging payment after keeping necessary note in their records. Pay & Accounts Office should also update the entries of payment made in the pensioners portion of the PPO if not already done, before the transfer application is sent to the CPAO. (from Treasury to authorised Banks ?) In case of transfer from Treasury to Authorised Banks the transfer application alongwith PPO should be routed through the concerned A.G. whose authorised officer will countersign and also emboss special seal before transmitting the same to the CPAO.

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