Apply For New Ration Card : Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department Tamil Nadu

Name of the organisation : Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection Department
Type Of Facility : Apply for New Ration Card

Home Page : https://consumer.tn.gov.in/eligibility_ration.htm
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/511-ration.pdf

How to Apply for New Ration Card?

Eligibility and procedure to apply for a new ration card
The following rules apply for getting a new ration card
** The applicant and his/her family must be Indian citizens

Related : How To Get Duplicate Ration Card Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection : www.statusin.in/8923.html

** The applicant and his/her family must be living and cooking separately
** The applicant and his/her family must be ordinarily resident in Tamil Nadu
** The applicant or his family members must not possess any family card in any State in India
** The applicant or any of his/her family members must not be a member in any other family card in Tamil Nadu
** The applicant and members of the family must be close relatives

Application (in the new format above) should be filled up completely, signed or thumb-impression and submitted along other documents below. Incomplete forms are liable for rejection.

The following documents need to be attached :
** Proof of applicant’s current residence in Tamil Nadu (copy of original document)
** Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC), OR
** Property tax payment receipt in case of own house (current year), OR
** Electricity Bill (last month), OR
** Telephone Bill (last month) , OR
** Front Page of Bank Pass Book, OR
** Allotment orders in respect of persons residing at houses allotted by Slum Clearance Board, OR
** Passport, OR

Procedure For Processing My Family Card

** The application filed by you is sent for field verification. The officer carrying out the field verification is supposed to inspect the applicant’s house and kitchen to ensure that the applicant is living and cooking separately and also to verify the use of LPG by the family.
** When the officer reports at the applicant’s house, the applicant may ask the officer for proof of identity (official ID card) before letting him inspect the premises.

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Get any information about the result of his/her application :
** Applicants are requested NOT to get in touch with the AC or TSO offices (unless filing additional documents) earlier than 30 days, to avoid unnecessary workload on the offices of this department. This will enable us to serve you better.
** As soon as the application is filed, the applicant must collect the acknowledgement slip with the office seal, date of application, serial number and date of final disposal.
** Government of Tamil Nadu has fixed the time limit for passing orders on applications for new ration as 60 days from

Fee For New Ration Card

** Government of Tamil Nadu have prescribed Rs 5 as the fee for a new ration card. This amount has to be paid to the AC or TSO office concerned
** Applicants are requested NOT to pay any bribes to any staff or antisocial elements (brokers). Any such requests may be reported to this office by email to the Commissioner, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection.

FAQ On Tamil Nadu Ration Card

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Tamil Nadu Ration Card:

What is a Tamil Nadu Ration Card?
A Tamil Nadu Ration Card is a document that is issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu to eligible families. The ration card is used to purchase essential commodities, such as rice, sugar, and wheat, at a subsidized rate from Fair Price Shops (FPS) in Tamil Nadu.

Who is eligible for a Tamil Nadu Ration Card?
The following families are eligible for a Tamil Nadu Ration Card:
** Families living below the poverty line (BPL)
** Families living above the poverty line (APL)
** Families that are eligible for the Anna Bhagya scheme

How to check the status of my Tamil Nadu Ration Card application?
You can check the status of your Tamil Nadu Ration Card application by visiting any FPS in Tamil Nadu or by checking the Tamil Nadu PDS website.

What are the benefits of having a Tamil Nadu Ration Card?
The following are the benefits of having a Tamil Nadu Ration Card:
** You can purchase essential commodities, such as rice, sugar, and wheat, at a subsidized rate from FPS in Tamil Nadu.
** You are eligible for the Anna Bhagya scheme, which provides a free rice ration to families living below the poverty line.
** You are eligible for other government schemes and benefits that are available to ration card holders.

Categories: Tamil Nadu

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