Reliance General Insurance : Travel Care Policy for Students

Organization : Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd
Facility :Travel Care Policy for Students

Home Page :https://www.reliancegeneral.co.in/Insurance/Home.aspx
For more details here :https://www.reliancegeneral.co.in/Insurance/Travel-Insurance/Student-Travel-Insurance.aspx

Reliance Travel Care Policy – For Students :
Student Travel Insurance Policy
Studying abroad is an exciting prospect. There will be new places to explore, opportunity to meet people from around the world, but there’s always a little nervousness! What if something happens- Who will help me- Well, we will help you in case there’s an emergency. Check out our Reliance Travel Care Policy – Student Plan to know how!
** Get free international SIM Card with every travel insurance quote (Know More)
** Zero paperwork and an affordable premium make your holiday quick and easy
** Choice of varied, customizable plans
** Unique plan that offers coverage for only non-medical benefits
** Comprehensive coverage through unique facilities like Bail bonds ,Study interruption ,Sponsor protection ,Two-way flight coverage for compassionate visit

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Policy cover :
We’ve tried to ‘pack in’ maximum coverage for a variety of situations while you’re travelling, alone or with your family. Have a look!
** Emergency medical expenses incurred by you whilst abroad, for any sudden illness, injury or death
** Emergency expenses made for medical evacuation to India
** Expenses incurred while transporting the insured’s mortal remains back home or towards burial abroad in case of an untimely demise
** Acute anesthetic treatment of teeth due to an injury
** Accidental bodily injury during the trip
** Compensation for death or permanent disability due to an accident, while riding as a passenger in a common carrier

Not cover :
Like you have some questions that are out-of-syllabus, an insurance policy also has situations that are out-of-scope. Here’s a list of things your policy won’t cover!Pre-existing medical conditions, unless it’s a life-threatening condition

Expenses incurred due to any of the following conditions :
** Suicide self-inflicted injuries or illnesses
** Mental disorder
** Anxiety, stress or depression
** Venereal diseases
** Alcohol/drug abuse

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