How to apply for Particular Contract Carraige Permit Andaman & Nicobar?

Organization : South Andaman District
Facility :Issue Of Particular Contract Carraige Permit

Home Page :https://www.andaman.gov.in/
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/5273-Pcc.pdf

Issue Of Particular Contract Carraige Permit :
Whom To Apply :
The applicant may approach the Office of the Deputy Commissioner (S/A) / Chairman (STA).
Deputy Commissioner Office, Port Blair, South Andaman.

Timing :
9 :00AM To 5:00PM

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How To Apply :
Applicant has to apply prescribed Form P.CO.P.A

For Grant :
Document To Be Attached :
** Registration Certificate Book in original.
** Insurance in original.
** No Objection Certificate issued by the STA
** 2 recent Passport size photograph of owner
** photograph of Parking(with shed)
** parking area Certificate issued by any gazetted officer/Police Officer/Revenue authority of the area.
** No objection certificate of the tenant if vehicle is intended to be parked on the land of tenant other than the vehicle owner.
** Recent copy of Form-F of the land housing the parking faciity.
** Photograph of parking place of vehicle depicting the parked vehicle along with number plate in front and rear view.

For Renewal :
Document To Be Attached :
** Registration Certificate.
** Insurance
** Rout permit Book, all in original.
** Parking area certificate issued by any gazetted officer/Police Officer/Revenue authority of the area.
** Recent copy of Map along with Form-F of the Land housing the parking facility.
** No objection certificate of the tenant if vehicle is intended to be parked on the land of tenant other than the vehicle owner.

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