Delhi Police : Registration of Senior Citizen

Organization : Delhi Police
Facility :Registeration of Senior Citizen

Home Page :https://www.delhipolice.nic.in/senior-citizen-cell
Register here :http://www.delhipolice.nic.in/seniorcitizen/addnew.aspx

Objectives :
** Coordinate safety & security of Senior Citizens with the help of Area Police.
** Monitoring of registered Senior Citizens by interacting on Telephone on regular besis.
** Organising Field visits to Senior Citizens giving them a better sense of Security and Confidence.
** Regular advice to Area Police with respect to the safety concern of Senior Citizens residing in their jurisdiction.
** Helping the Senior Citizens in case of their personal problems.
** Regular advise on induction of Security & Safety measures required in the physical ambience and life style of Senior Citizens.
** Encouraging regular social interaction of Senior Citizens in the neighborhood.
** Coordinating Police verification of domestic help by Area Police.

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Police Visits to Senior Citizens :
Officers from Senior Citizen Security Cell, Police Head Quarter pay visit to some of the Senior Citizens every day by turn. During personal visit the following aspects are kept in mind :
** Physical Security of the house is looked into.
** Status of domestic helps, whether verified or not, is ascertained.
** Senior Citizens are advised to display the telephone numbers of relatives, friends and Senior Citizens Helpline No. 1291 at some conspicuous place, preferably near telephone console such that they could be contacted in case of emergency.
** Whether they are residing alone or with spouse.
** It is ascertained that whether Area Police is taking adequate interest in implementing the guidelines and their special schemes if any.

Message :
“Citizens First is our motto”
Delhi Police is a service organisation & Senior Citizens are our special concern. They need care, support and security. It is our endeavour to achieve this to the maximum possible leve

History :
Senior Citizens Security Cell at Police Head Quarter Level came into being on 20th June 2004, after the advise and guidance of Honorable Lt. Governer and Commissioner of Police Delhi. Although the Senior Citizens scheme existed in districts, it was decided that an apex Central Senior Citizens Security Cell at PHQ level be created under the supervision of Crime Branch to monitor all matters related to Safety & Security of vulnerable category of Senior Citizens of Delhi. This Cell started functioning under the direct supervision of Additional Commissioner of Police, Crime. Presently, this cell is functioning under the direct supervision of Joint Commissioner of Police, Crime. The Senior Citizens Security Cell, Police Head Quarter has a coordinating, monitoring and advisory role. The field work of Senior Citizen’s Scheme is carried out by the Area Police concerned independently or with the help of community leaders, school children, NGO’s etc.

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