How to Register Factories Himachal Pradesh?

Organization : Government of Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Registration of Factories
Applicable State : Himachal Pradesh
Register here :https://himachal.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&dpt_id=14&level=1&sublinkid=623&lid=832

HP Factory Registration

After Approval of Buliding Plan Application, Apply For factory Registration by Filling Form-3 and other relevent forms(Chemical details, Manufacturing Process, Manager detail, Occupier detail,Payment etc.) and submit the Application online.

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After online submission, Take the printout of Form3 and send along with mandatory documents duly signed by Occupier to ” Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour and Employment Department Himachal Pradesh,Himrus Building Shimla 9″ within 15 days from date of Submission.

Renewal of factory Licence :
Go to Home Page-> Click on login button by giving respective username and password -> Apply For Renewal-> Submit the renewal Application along with updated information of factory and other relevant forms if there is a change in factory information, enter payment details and submit online. After submission take printout of Form3 and send along with documents(relevant to Change in Occupier, Change in factory name if any) duly signed by Occupier to ” Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour and Employment Department Himachal Pradesh,Himrus Building Shimla 9″ within 15 days from date of Submission.

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Factory Registration Approved Manually :
In case A Factory Registered manually, and a factory now has to Apply for Renewal/Amendment online,Go to Home Page-> Click on login button -> After registration (as Already Registered ) user have to login by clicking login button from the home page by giving respective username and password -> Submit Form1 , Form1A, questionaires -> Submit the Buliding paln Approval Application for Verification by Department. After Submitting Buliding Plan Approval for Verification, submit Factory registration (Form3 and other basic details) simultaneous to Department For Verifciation. After Verifcation Buliding Plan Approval Application, Factory Registration Application, A user can Apply for Renewal/ Amendment online.

Check List for Licensing and Registration of Factories (Proposed) :
** Form No.3. Breakup of proposed employment with reference to Column 5(1) of form No-3 is required to be provided through separate Annexure i.e. Highly skilled, Semi skilled (BE, Diploma holder, ITI,Bsc,Msc, MCA, DCA etc) and unskilled (i.e. 10+2, Matric etc)
** Certificate of Stability duly signed by the Chartered Engineer/Chartered Architect.
** Resolution passed by Board of Directors in which one of the Directors has been declared as occupier OR resolution passed by partners in case of firm in which one of the partners has been declared as occupier OR declaration of proprietor in case of proprietorship concern.
** Treasury challan for deposit of registration fee for the factory. If the license is required for five years then registration fee shall be five times the fee payable for one year as specified in Fee Schedule in which fee has been prescribed for one year.

About Us :
The earliest known inhabitants of the region were tribals called Dasas. Later, Aryans came and they assimilated in the tribes. In the later centuries, the hill chieftains accepted suzerainty of the Mauryan empire, the Kaushans, the Guptas and Kanuaj rulers.

During the Mughal period, the Rajas of the hill states made some mutually agreed arrangements which governed their relations. In the 19th century, Ranjit Singh annexed/subjugated many of the states.

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