aepos.ap.gov.in : Andhra Pradesh AePDS Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System

Organisation : Department of Consumer Affairs,Food & Civil Supplies, Andhra Pradesh
Facility Name : AePDS Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System
Applicable State/UT : Andhra Pradesh
Website : https://aepos.ap.gov.in/

AePDS Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System

Government of Andhra Pradesh, Department of Consumer Affairs,Food & Civil Supplies, Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System – AePDS

Related / Similar Facility : Grama Ward Sachivalayam HRMS Andhra Pradesh

AePDS Services

Users can get detailed information about the Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System (AePDS), Andhra Pradesh such as FPS @ glance, RC Details, Food Basket, Stock Register, Shop Wise Stock Received, Key Register Abstract, Scheme Wise Sale, Grievance, Sales Register etc.

How To Check Ration Card (RC) Details?

Step-1 : Go to the link https://aepos.ap.gov.in/
Step-2 : Enter RC Number
Step-3 : Click on Submit button to check the details of Ration card.

About AePDS:
Andhra Pradesh is the first State in the country to implement ePoS in 100% Fair price shops with the integration of FCI & MLS points (Supply Chain Management System) for lifting of Stock and ration portability. The sys-tem enables monitoring the Sales & Stock availability at every FPS.

All PoS devices are linked with electronic weighing scales. As per the guidelines issued by De-partment of Food & Public Distribu-tion regarding the Computerization of TPDS, the State of Andhra Pradesh has developed an end-to-end IT solu-tion (TPDS), which has been success-fully implemented with very encour-aging results

It was observed that many of the true beneficiaries of these subsidies suffer due to large-scale pilferage and diver-sion, retail level issues including du-plicates and ghost beneficiaries. Mon-itoring of the scheme was difficult due to insufficient staff and its complicity.

Online Authentication Services pro-vided by UIDAI (fingerprints, iris and photo for face recognition) are used for the sale of PDS commodities to BPL beneficiaries in all Fair Price Shops (FPS). This has improved effi-ciency and transparency in the system and enabled on time ration delivery to eligible beneficiaries.

Salient Features:
** Ration Card management includ-ing Issuing of new card, Transfer of card, Card type change, Mem-ber modification, FP shop change, Split cards, Surrender of Card, Du-plicate Card, Member migration, Change energy category, Address change etc. with photo upload and Aadhaar seeding
** Generation of Dynamic Key reg-ister (office wise & shop wise). Al-location of commodities based on card strength, Allocation policy and Closing balances.
** Bulk migration of cards from one fair price shop to another, issue and suspension of FPShop licenses
** Stock balances of FPShop, Man-dal stock points etc. at any point of time.
** Tracking of food grains movement
** Integration with Meeseva for RC Mutations, eSeva for FPShop deal-er payments and ePoS for food grain distribution to beneficiaries
** Complaints tracking
** Approvals, Sanctions, Rejections, Allocation, Receipt of payments etc. are all automatic, online and are completely workflow based.


Phone :040-23494808/822
Mail : pds-ap@nic.in
Toll Free :1967

FAQ On AePDS Aadhaar System

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about AePDS (Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System):

What is AePDS?
AePDS is a digitalized version of the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India. It uses Aadhaar, the 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), to authenticate beneficiaries and ensure that they receive their entitled rations.

What are the benefits of AePDS?
AePDS has several benefits, including:
** Increased transparency and accountability in the PDS
** Reduced leakages and pilferage of rations
** Improved targeting of beneficiaries
** Greater convenience for beneficiaries
** Reduced chances of fraud and corruption

How does AePDS work?
AePDS works by linking beneficiaries’ Aadhaar numbers to their ration cards. When a beneficiary goes to a ration shop to collect their rations, they must first authenticate their Aadhaar number. Once their identity is verified, they can then collect their rations.

Categories: Andhra Pradesh
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