mhrd.gov.in Procedure for getting ISBN Number : Ministry of Human Resource Development

Organization :Ministry of Human Resource Development
Facility : Procedure for getting ISBN Number

Home Page :http://mhrd.gov.in/book-promotion-2
Application here :http://mhrd.gov.in/book-promotion-7

International Standard Book Number :
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique International Publisher’s Identifier number, which is meant for monograph publications. ISBN is the thirteen-digit number, which replaces the handling of long bibliographic descriptive records. ISBN is known throughout the world as a short and clear machine-readable identification number, which marks any book unmistakably. ISBN is a machine readable in the form of 13-digit
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) system was introduced in the world in 1972 and in India this system was put into operation in January 1985 by Raja Rammohan National Agency for ISBN and in the alphabetical order of member countries, our country stands at serial No. 55.
The book industry in India is a large complex consisting of the wide range of professionals such as authors, editors, printers, booksellers and distributors etc. Today India is among the top multilingual publishing country in the world. India is the 6th largest book producing country and ranks third in the production of the books in English after the USA & UK.

Applicaion – ISBN :
General :
A separate ISBN must be assigned to every title, or edition of a title by each publisher, but NOT to an unchanged impression or unchanged reprint of the same title in the same format by the same publisher. Revised editions require a new ISBN. A price change does not call for a new ISBN. Changes of the format induce a new ISBN. The same title being published in a series and individually is treated as two different editions.

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Facsimile reprints :
A separate ISBN must be assigned to a facsimile reprint produced by a different publisher.

Publications in different product forms :
Different product forms of a publication (e.g., hardback, paperback, Braille, audiobook, online electronic publication) require separate ISBNs. Where electronic publications are made available in different formats (e.g. .lit, .pdf, .html, .pdb) each separately available format shall be assigned a unique ISBN.

Loose-leaf publications :
If a publication appears in loose-leaf form an ISBN is assigned to identify an edition at a given time. Individual issues of additions or replacement sheets will also be given an ISBN, when they are separately stocked.

Function – ISBN :
Recognised in more than 160 countries throughout the world, the International Standard Book Number is a short and clear identifier that is potentially machine-readable. The ISBN denotes a particular monographic publication uniquely and should, therefore, be associated with it from early production stages. An essential instrument in production, distribution, sales analysis, and bibliographic data storage systems in the book trade, ISBN is also of vital importance to library information management.

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