jkuber.jharkhand.gov.in : E-Pension Portal

Organisation : Jharkhand Finance Department
Facility Name : E-Pension Portal
Applicable State/UT : Jharkhand
Website https://jkuber.jharkhand.gov.in/jpension/

Jharkhand E-Pension Portal

The Pension Wing of Finance Department deals with the formation of policies and framing of Rules in connection with Pension in the State of Jharkhand.

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The Pensioners’ Welfare Cell, a part of the pension wing is looking after the welfare of all kinds of pensioners and involved in the timely redressal of the grievances of Pensioners /Pensioners Organisations.

How To Login Pension Portal?

The Pension Portal can be accessed via following two URLs:
I. On JHARNET – https://jkuber.jharkhand.gov.in/emp/
II. On Internet – https://jkuber.jharkhand.gov.in/emp/

On the Home Page there are four types of logins:
a. Bank Login: For the Pension paying banks to upload the Pension data.
b. Employee Login: For the employees to apply for Pension Paper.
c. Office Login: For DDO, Sanctioning Authority & AG Office.
d. PPO Login: For Pensioners to view PPO details & status.

Office Login:
Office Login can be accessed by clicking on the Office Login tab
Clicking the Office Login presents prompts three types of Login

a) DDO Login:
The DDO Login has following functions on e-Pension Portal:
** Validation of the data entered by the employee and uploading all the missing documents which the employee has missed at the time of application of Pension paper.
** Creation of Pension Fixation Form
** Generation of No Dues certificate to the AG Office.
** DDO can also generate the Pension Paper on behalf of the employee from the Employee Portal

b) Sanctioning Authority Login:
The DDO may be the Sanctioning Authority. The Sanctioning Authority has following functions on e-Pension Portal:
** Verification of the documents on e-Pension portal.
** Forwarding the Pension request to AG Office.

If DDO is also the Sanctioning Authority then he can perform the role of Sanctioning Authority by DDO Login.

c) AG Office Login: The AG Office has following functions on e-Pension Portal:
** Download the e-Pension Paper.
** Verify the e-Pension Paper with the printed Pension Paper received through post or by hand.
** Generate acknowledgement of receipt.
** Upload e-PPO on the Pension Portal after generating PPO.
** Generate AG Reference number for Pension revision.
** Create AG office users.

d) Treasury Login: The treasury Login has following functions:
** View the Descriptive Role form.
** Verify and view NDC.
** Accept the e-Pension form for final processing.
** Check app status.

To change the password for DDO Login please login into the DDO Level Bill Management System.

a. DDO Login
The processes to login as DDO and perform the available functions are described below:
I. After clicking on the Office Login select the Role as DDO.
II. Select the respective Treasury.
III. Enter User ID & Password.
IV. Enter the Code and click on Login button
V. After successful login Pension Paper submitted by employee page is displayed along with DDO information. Pension paper can be downloaded by clicking on the Download link
VI. To process the Pension Paper Process link must be clicked. After clicking the Process link the family details of the applicant is displayed along with Photograph upload option.

VII. The same page also displays the options to upload any document which has not been uploaded by the Pensioner. Click on Browse File to upload respective documents proof for claim. Click on View Document to see the uploaded documents

VIII. Under DDO Action add any Remarks if required and select to make any changes in Sanction Authority and Sanction Authority DDO code if any. Fill in the Dispatch number and Forwarding letter details. Click on Back to Pensioner button to return the form to applicant in case of any discrepancies. Click on Home button to return to Family Details page. Click on Received button to acknowledge the pension application. Click Forward to AG if the DDO and Sanction Authority are same for any Pensioner.

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IX. Pension Fixation: Click on this button to fill in the pension fixation details. Fill in the Fixation Details and click Submit to save details.

X. Forward to Sanction Authority: Click on this button to forward to Sanctioning Authority. Click on Download e-Pension Paper to download the soft copy of Pension paper.

XI. Forward to AG: If DDO is also the Sanctioning Authority then the DDO can forward the pension paper directly to Accountant General (AG) Office by clicking on this button

XII. Click on Pensioner Request to view request to generate Pension Paper from any Pensioner.

XIII. Click on No Dues Certificate to upload No dues Certificate. Click Process for NDC to upload the certificate

XIV. Click on App. Status to view the status of pension applications submitted by employees. Individual Pension papers can be searched based on Acknowledgement number, GPF/CPF/PRAN Number, Applicant Name or Designation. Fill in any of the fields and click Search button.

b. Sanction Authority Login
The processes to login as Sanction Authority and perform the available functions are described below:
I. After clicking on the Office Login select the Role as Sanction Authority.
II. Select the respective Department.
III. Enter User ID & Password.
IV. Enter the Code and click on Login button
V. After successful login Sanction Authority Home page is displayed with information on List of pension papers submitted by Employee & Forwarded by DDO.
VI. Click on Download to download the soft copy of the pension paper.
VII. Click on Process to process the e-Pension and forward the same to AG. Clicking the Process displays the Pensioner’s Detail Page. Click on View Document to view the Date of Birth certificates of the family members.

VIII. Below the Pensioner’s details there are options to view the uploaded documents. Click on each documents view options to show the documents. There is also option to upload the Descriptive Role

IX. Under the Sanction Authority Action click on Back to DDO to return the form to DDO for reverification. Click on Forward to forward the form to AG Office.

X. Click on Pension Fixation/No Dues to view the concerned details. Click on Download e-Pension Paper to download the soft copy of Pension paper. Click on App. Status to view the Pension application status. Individual Pension papers can be searched based on Acknowledgement number, GPF/CPF/PRAN Number, Applicant Name or Designation. Fill in any of the fields and click Search button (Refer screenshot below).

XII. Click App Status to view status of applications received
XIII. Click Update Profile to update the Sanction Authority Details such as Name, Designation, Phone Number, e-Mail Id & District. After making necessary changes click Update to apply the changes
XIV. Click on Change Password to change the Sanction Authority Login Password.`

c. AG Office Login
The processes to login as Sanction Authority and perform the available functions are described below:
I. After clicking on the Office Login select the Role as AG Office.
II. Enter User ID & Password.
III. Enter the Code and click on Login button

IV. After successful login the AG Office Home page displayed as follows: The home page display the list of Pension Papers submitted by Employees and forwarded by Sanctioning Authority. There are various options available to search a particular record on basis of ending, Updated, GPF/CPF/PRAN no., Applicant name etc. The AG office can select the mode of receipt of Pension paper and update it for further processing

V. Upload e-PPO: The Upload e-PPO option allows uploading the e-PPO on the Je-Pension Portal. Click on Upload ePPO link for individual Pensioner in the list to process. Clicking the Upload ePPO link opens the following page from where the e-PPO can be uploaded by using the Browse and Upload buttons.

VI. Bulk Upload e-PPO:
This feature allows uploading more than one e-PPO at a time. If large number of e-PPO’s needs to be uploaded then following steps should be followed to bilk upload the e-PPO’s:
a. The required details should be prepared in a Microsoft Excel file in prescribed format.
b. It must be converted into XML format using the XML converter tool provide by the Finance PMU.
c. The XML file must be digitally signed.
d. Click on Browse to select the signed XML file. (Refer screenshot below)
e. After the required file has been selected click on Upload Signed XML to upload the file.

VII. NDC Form:
This option allows the AG Office user to view the NDC forms uploaded by the\ departments for the pensioners. The AG can view the NDC forms department wise as well as treasury wise. The System generated/ Scanned NDC forms can be downloaded and viewed from given links


Pension Section, Finance Department, Government of Jharkhand
Address-Room No. – 431, 4th Floor Pension Section, Project Building Dhurwa, Ranchi, 834004
E-mail Id -epension.finance@gmail.com

Categories: Jharkhand
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