TDSCPC : Tax Payers Registration and View Tax Credit Form 26AS Online

Organisation : TDS Centralized Processing Cell
Facility : Tax Payers Registration & View Tax Credit Form 26AS Online

Home Page : http://contents.tdscpc.gov.in/en/taxpayer-home.html
Register here :https://www.tdscpc.gov.in/app/tapreg1.xhtml
Login here :https://www.tdscpc.gov.in/app/login.xhtml

Tax Payers :
TRACES enables a PAN holder to register and view tax credit (Form 26AS) online.

Details in Form 26AS :
** Details of tax deducted on behalf of the tax payer by deductors
** Details of tax collected on behalf of the tax payer by collectors
** Advance tax / self-assessment tax / regular assessment tax etc. deposited by the tax payers (PAN holders)
** Refund received during the financial year
** Details of transactions in Mutual Fund, Shares and Bonds, etc. (as reported by AIR filer)

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Functionalities for Tax Payers through TRACES :
** Registration and Login
** View Form 26AS
** View and edit profile
** Provide Feedback

Introduction to Form 26AS
Income Tax Department facilitates a PAN holder to view its Tax Credit Statement (Form 26AS) online.

Form 26AS contains :
** Details of tax deducted on behalf of the taxpayer by deductors – Part A & A1 of Form 26AS
** Details of tax collected on behalf of the taxpayer by collectors – Part B of Form 26AS
** Advance Tax / Self-Assessment Tax / Regular Assessment Tax, etc. deposited by the taxpayers (PAN holders) – Part C of Form 26AS
** Details of paid refund received during the financial year – Part D of Form 26AS
** Details of high value transactions in respect of shares, mutual funds, etc. – Part E of Form 26AS

From banking website through net banking facility
This facility is available to a PAN holder having net banking account with any of authorised banks. View of Form 26AS is available only if the PAN is mapped to that particular account. The facility is available free of cost. Login to your bank’s internet banking website and click on the option provided to view Form 26AS. If you are unable to view this option or unable to view Form 26AS, please connect with your bank to check if your PAN has been mapped correctly to your banking account

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