Tamilnadu BSNL : Choose Your Mobile Number Online/ By SMS

Organisation : BSNL Tamilnadu Telecom Circle
Type of Facility : Choose your Mobile Number Online or by SMS
State : Tamilnadu
Home Page : http://tamilnadu.bsnl.co.in/
Facility Portal : http://cymn.bsnl.co.in/

Creation of BSNL Fancy/Normal Number

Selection of fancy /normal number via Internet:
a) The selection of fancy /normal number will be available on Internet.

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b) The selection option will be accessible via Internet through the website from 16-12-2011 onwards.
c) The customer can select the available number in the list and as soon as he selects the number, a 7 digit PIN number (Personal Identity Number) will be generated and the same will be sent through SMS to the customer to his mobile number entered in the web-page. (Preferably a BSNL mobile number may be given for the receipt of the PIN number).
d) An exclusive option is also available to fill the address of the customer; this will avoid any disconnection at a later stage due to “address not available”.
e) The selection of the number will be reserved for the subscriber for 96 hours for normal numbers and 24 hours for fancy numbers(excluding holidays), within which the customer has to activate the selected number by approaching the nearest CSR otherwise the reserved number will be cancelled and will be taken back to add it in the spare list.
f) In order to know the amount fixed in case of fancy number it will be marked against the fancy number which will enable the customer for his commitment.
g) The customer is given a choice of selecting only one Fancy /Normal GSM mobile number.

How To Choose BSNL Mobile Numbers Online?

The Following are the GSM Prepaid Mobile Numbers available for release:
(The Numbers can be scrolled or searched for selecting the choice Numbers. Maximum selection is limited to One Only)
Tamilnadu Telecom Circle anounces the release of Prepaid GSM Mobile Numbers to the customers by choice.
1) The Customer can select any One GSM Mobile number of his choice from the available numbers. On his/her selection of choice number (Max. No 1) the customer will get an SMS with a PIN of 7 Digits Valid for 96.hrs Only. The customer need to input the 7 digit PIN in the web site confirming the selection is over and taken.

2) Now the customer is free to approach the nearest Customer Service Center or Franchisee and inform him the Mobile Number and PIN received to get the selected choice number accross the counter by submitting the requisite Documents and completing the formalities of release of New Connection.

Fancy Numbers:
The Following are the Fancy GSM Mobile Numbers which are having more demand:
(The Numbers can be scrolled or searched for selecting the Fancy Numbers. Maximum selection is limited to One Only and the price tag for the Fancy number need to be paid at the time of taking the Number)
1) The Customer can select any One GSM Mobile number of his choice from the available numbers. On his/her selection of choice number (Max. No 1) the customer will get an SMS with a PIN of 7 Digits Preceeding with ‘FANCY’ which is Valid for 48.hrs Only (i.e Calendar date). The customer need to input the PIN received through SMS in the web site confirming the selection is over and taken.

2) Now the customer is free to approach the nearest Customer Service Center only and give the details of Mobile Number and PIN received to get the selected Fancy number across the counter by submitting the requisite Documents, payment of price tag amount and completing the formalities of release of New Connection.

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Fancy Numbers Can Be Taken From CSC’s Only

The detailed procedure with respect to Selection/Creation of numbers (Normal number and Fancy number excluding Vanity and Penta vanity numbers) via Internet/SMS is as follows.

Selection of fancy /normal number via Internet:
a) Any BSNL customer can get the list of spare numbers by texting “NLIST free XXXXX” or “NLIST free” to 53733. In case of the earlier one, XXXXX can be any 3 to 5 digit. A list of 10 spare numbers withmatching XXXXX will be sent to the mobile number from which the request is initiated. In case of the later, any 10 spare random numbers will be sent. In any case, the numbers will be reserved and allotted on FCFS basis only.
b) For reservation of GSM numbers the Customer has to text “CONF <number chosen>”to 53733.
c) On receipt of the SMS, the number will be RESERVED and the Customer will be informed accordingly by sending a 7 digit PIN number for the booked GSM number. This process may take about 15 minutes. If the number is already allotted at the time of receipt of SMS, the Customer will be intimated accordingly and can try again.
d) The selection of the number will be reserved for the subscriber for 96 hours within which the customer has to activate the selected number by approaching the nearest CSR otherwise the reserved number will be cancelled and will be taken back to add it in the spare list.

FAQ On BSNL Fancy Mobile Number

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about BSNL fancy mobile numbers:

What is a BSNL fancy mobile number?
A BSNL fancy mobile number is a mobile number that has a special pattern or sequence of digits that makes it easy to remember or unique. For example, a fancy mobile number could be a number with all the same digits, or a number that spells out a word or phrase.

How do I get a BSNL fancy mobile number?
BSNL offers a variety of ways to get a fancy mobile number. You can:
** Apply online: BSNL offers an online portal where you can search for and apply for available fancy mobile numbers.
** Visit a BSNL store: You can also visit a BSNL store to search for and apply for available fancy mobile numbers.
** Attend an auction: BSNL occasionally holds auctions for fancy mobile numbers. If you are interested in participating in an auction, you can find more information on the BSNL website.

How much do BSNL fancy mobile numbers cost?
The cost of a BSNL fancy mobile number varies depending on the number and the demand for the number. In general, fancy mobile numbers with a special pattern or sequence of digits are more expensive than numbers with a random sequence of digits.

Categories: Tamil Nadu

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