ehf.telangana.gov.in Check Health Card Status : Employees Health Scheme

Name of the Organization : Employees Health Scheme,Telangana
Type of Facility :Check Health Card Status

Home Page : http://www.ehf.telangana.gov.in/
Check Status : http://www.ehf.telangana.gov.in/#

Telangana Employees Health Scheme

Employees Health Scheme is intended to provide cashless treatment to all the State Government employees including the State Government pensioners, along with their dependent family members through a network of empanelled hospitals of Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, in lieu of the present medical reimbursement system. The scheme will provide treatment in Network Hospitals for all the listed therapies. Applicable for Telangana State Government employees and the State Government pensioners.

Related : EHF Telangana Pensioner Health Card Enrollment : www.statusin.in/2985.html

Check Health Card Status :
Employee/Pensioner can check the status of health card on home page by using the health card status tab at the left bottom.

The purpose of the document is to make the user understand how to get enrolled in the EHS scheme. Pensioner once enrolled under the scheme will be issued Health Card and avail the benefit. If not enrolled, he/she cannot avail the benefits under the scheme. The document will give a complete screen shots of how the Pensioner needs to enroll under the scheme. The guidelines of the scheme is inbuilt in the software application so that it will guide the user on how to get enrolled under the scheme.

Employee – Edit Card Details :
1. Login as Employee. Navigation : Registrations → Download Health Card
2. On clicking ‘Download Health Card’ tab, a page will be displayed as shown in screen shot 2 wherein the user has a provision to ‘Edit Card Details’ as shown.

3. On clicking ‘edit card details’, a page will be displayed & Click on ‘Validate’.
4. Here the user(employee) has a provision to edit the address details, photo and gender type(except name)

5. On clicking ‘submit’ button, a message ‘Details submitted successfully for verification’ will pop up as shown in screen shot 5.
NOTE : Card details get updated only after the verification by Trust.

6. Once the card details are verified by trust, the same will be reflected for beneficiaries as well
NOTE : Beneficiaries have a provision to edit the photo & gender type.

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FAQ On Telangana Employees Health Scheme

1. Who is not eligible?
a) Those who are covered under other insurance schemes such as CGHS, ESIS, Railways, RTC., Aarogya Bhadratha of Police Department and Aarogya Sahayatha of Prohibition & Excise Department;

b) Law officers (Advocate General, State Prosecutors, State Counsels, Govt. Pleaders and Public Prosecutors;
c) Casual and Daily paid workers;

d) Biological parents if adopted parents exist;
e) All independent children;
f) AIS officers and AIS pensioners and
g) Judicial Officers;

2. Who are the family members?
a) Spouse.
b) Wholly Dependent Children (Including adopted children).
c) Wholly dependent parents (either adoptive or biological, but not both).
d) Dependents of family pensioners are also eligible as in the case of service pensioners.

3. Dependency means?
a) In case of parents, those who are wholly dependent on the employee for their livelihood.
b) In case of unemployed daughters, those who are unmarried or widowed or divorced or deserted. (There is no age restriction).

c) In case of unemployed sons, those who are below the age of 25 years.
d) Disabled Children with a disability which renders them unfit for employment.

4. Are Judges, Govt. Pleaders, Standing counsels eligible?
No, Law Officer and Judicial Officers are not covered under the Scheme.

5. If the parents of the employee have Aarogyasri Card, are they eligible under the scheme?
Aarogyasri Card (White Card) will only be given to the BPL families. If parents are wholly dependent for their livelihood on the Government servant, their white card stands cancelled and disciplinary action will be initiated against the employee for using a benefit meant for the poor. The parents, who are living independently and have an Aarogyasri Card are not eligible and should not be included under the Employees Health Scheme by the employee.

Benefits of Employees Health Scheme

The Employees Health Scheme (EHS) Telangana is a government-run health insurance scheme that provides cashless treatment to state government employees, pensioners, and their dependent family members. The scheme covers a wide range of medical expenses, including inpatient and outpatient care, diagnostic tests, and surgery.

Here are some of the benefits of the EHS Telangana:
** Cashless treatment: The EHS Telangana provides cashless treatment at a network of empanelled hospitals across Telangana. This means that you do not have to pay any upfront costs for your treatment.
** Wide coverage: The EHS Telangana covers a wide range of medical expenses, including inpatient and outpatient care, diagnostic tests, and surgery.
** No upper limit: There is no upper limit on the amount of money that can be claimed under the EHS Telangana.
** No contribution by employee/pensioner: The employee/pensioner does not have to contribute any money towards the EHS Telangana.
** Dependent family members covered: The dependent family members of the employee/pensioner are also covered under the EHS Telangana.

Categories: Telangana

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