csms.nic.in : Culture Scheme Monitoring System

Organization : Ministry of Culture
Scheme Name : Culture Scheme Monitoring System (CSMS)
Country: India

Website : https://csms.nic.in/login/index.php
Register Here : https://csms.nic.in/registration/registration_individual.php

Culture Scheme Monitoring System :

Use this link csms.nic.in/login/index.php to come on the Registration/login Page It will come as online application to scheme on the indiaculture.nic.in and ccrt.nic.in

Related : Ministry of Culture Cultural Function Grant Scheme : www.statusin.in/2038.html

On this page in left hand side menu there are two things 1st one is Login and 2nd one is Registration.
Culture Function Scheme Last Date : 31-03-2016

Part- I (Registration):
Steps for Registration:-
** Click on the Registration Menu.
** After Clicking on Registration Menu, you will get a registration form.
** In registration form 1st field is Applicant Type. There in Applicant Type drop-down select Individual/Organization as an Applicant Type.
** After that fill the given fields of the form. All the (*) marked fields are mandatory. So, do not leave them blank.
** In the given form there are two fields named as E-mail Address & Mobile Number. Give the valid Email Id & Mobile number because these two fields are used as communication medium. On the given Mobile number & Email Id you will the message & Email respectively of Login Id & Password.
** After filling the complete registration form. Click on the submit button, which is at the bottom of the form.
** Then you will get a message of User created. Password is same which you should change after first login.
** You will get username and password of login on your mobile number & email id.

Part-2 (Login):
Steps for Login:-
** Click on the left hand side menu Login part.
** Fill the Username & Password column on login page.
** There you will get 2 buttons named as Login & Reset.
** Clicking on login you will go to the Schemes page
** Clicking on Reset you will get the option to changes the c.
** After Login you will come to the dashboard of Online Schemes.

There in left hand side you will get below Online schemes for the Individual applicant type :-
a. Scholarship To Young Artists
b. Junior Fellowship
c. Senior Fellowship
d. Pension Scheme

There in left hand side you will get below Online schemes for the Organization applicant type :-
a. Building Grant
b. Cultural Function Grant

** If you want to apply for any of these schemes you need to click on the particular on.
** Clicking on a scheme you will get a Apply Online Now link.
** After clicking on Apply you will get a form. Fill the given form.
** After filling the form click on the submit button.
** Then you will get a message of form submitted successfully.

There are four options for your profile:-
a.) Edit Profile:
Clicking on this you will get the form you have filled for registration . If you want to edit any information in the same you can do that. And then on the bottom of the form you will get two buttons Update & Cancel. Click on Update button to update your profile or click on Cancel button to cancel the editing.

b.) Change Password:
To change the password of the login.

c.) Application Status:
From here you will check the status of your Schemes if you have filled any Schemes Application by selecting Schemes & Financial Year.

d.) Sanction Status:
From here you will check the status of sanctions for each schemes you have applied by selecting Schemes & Financial Year. Also you can download installment wise saction letter in case of Organization and Awadree letter in case of Individual.

Categories: Scheme
Tags: csms.nic.in

View Comments (7)

  • From last 48 hours, I am trying for registration but it is not accepting. Please make your system properly because 30th is the last date but your site is not doing registration.

  • We have registered in CSMS on 24th June 2017. But till now user name & login password is not received to us. Please send the required password to our registered e-mail id or to the mobile number immediately and enable us to upload the application form.


      • ** After filling the form click on the submit button.
        ** Then you will get a message of form submitted successfully.

    • Information from the official website :

      1. After filling the complete registration form. Click on the submit button, which is at the bottom of the form.
      2. Then you will get a message of User created. Password is same which you should change after first login.
      3. You will get username and password of login on your mobile number & email id.

  • Does it take time to get login and password? I have registered in the csms website yesterday (Jul 16, 2015) but nave not received any login or password. I have tried the forgot password link, but it displays the message wrong email ID or mobile member. When I try to to do a new registration, it says email ID or mobile number already exists.

  • As non-profit ng organization desires to set up a museum on culture in India. It is a non-profit venture. What kind of financial support can it expect under your Museum Grants Scheme.

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