childlineindia.org.in Register Volunteer with CIF : CHILDLINE India Foundation

Organisation : Kolkata Police West Bengal
Facility : Search Missing Persons & Vehicle

Home Page : https://www.childlineindia.org/
Register here :https://www.childlineindia.org/

Register Volunteer with CIF :
CIF welcomes Volunteers. Volunteer assignments will be posted in this section from time to time. Volunteers are not paid honorariums however expenses incurred on projects may be reimbursable. Volunteers who complete a specific project would be entitled to a Certificate of participation.
Please only fill in the Volunteer form if you are willing to take on the project.
If the current volunteer assignment doesn’t interest you keep a look out in this section for new opportunities that may be posted.

Calling Lady Volunteers for Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) awareness program in Mumbai :
CIF has launched Mumbai’s most significant initiative in the CSA Awareness space for children. The program aims to reach 1000 schools and reach 1 million children and their families during a 1 year period. The program is carried forward by trained lady volunteers, each of whom is allotted a list of schools to complete according to area and language preference. The school program uses a simple story telling method in schools to introduce children to the concepts of safe and unsafe touch, and what to do if they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation.

Why :
Everyday, when we open the newspapers there are reports of the sexual abuse of minors, ranging from molestation to rape. India also has the dubious distinctions of having the world’s largest number of sexually abused children; with a child below 16 years raped every 155th minute, a child below 10 every 13th hour and one in every 10 children sexually abused at any point of time. Most of these cases go unreported due to victims being too scared to speak out or aren’t aware of what to do in such a scenario.
This indicates a clear need for a program on awareness and prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Though there are a few programs targeting parents and schools in the CSA space, children, who are at the receiving end of abuse, are mostly ignored in such communication programs.

The Program :
The program involves conducting story telling sessions in schools through which children are taught about safe and unsafe touch. There are 2 stories that volunteers will have to use as part of the awareness program, one for 2nd, 3rd and 4th standard and another for 5th and 6th standard.

Related Post

Role & Duration :
Over a period of one year, volunteers are expected to conduct sessions in a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 10 schools. Volunteers are expected to complete classes from 2nd-6th standard, all divisions in each standard. The duration of each session is 30-40 minutes. Each school takes around 11 hours to complete.

Timings :
Most schools operate in the morning, from Monday to Friday ONLY. However, there are some that work in shifts, where the secondary school is in the morning and primary in the afternoons. Volunteers will have to take this into account.

Location of the opportunity :
Mumbai (A list of schools according to the volunteers’ area and language preference will be provided)

Process for Volunteering :
** After prospective lady volunteers register on the website, by clicking on the button below, they will be called for a 1 hour orientation to the CHILDLINE office at Grant Road. All candidates approved for the training will need to sign a Commitment Document at the time of confirmation.
** Once selected, volunteers will have to go through a free 2 day training program to equip them with the skills that they require for the program. Sessions during the workshop will be conducted by resource persons and allied system partners for the knowledge component of the training, while the second component will include basic skills and communication training for conducting sessions in schools.
** Post training, volunteers meet at CIF office for a debriefing session. During this session they will be given kits with the material that will be needed by them for the assignment including : identity cards/intro letters etc.
** Volunteers will be allotted a list of minimum 3 to a maximum of 10 schools according to their language and area preference. These will have to be completed during a year’s time.

Eligibility Criteria :
** Only Mumbai residents
** At present, only ladies are eligible.
** Preferred age group : Above 20 Years.
** Minimum Graduates
** Strong Communication skills
** Language facility : fluency in English, Hindi, and either Marathi or Gujarati
** Have the time to conduct session in schools
Volunteers could be homemakers, Post Grad students (final yr grad students may also apply) or working professionals

Honorarium :
During the volunteering period volunteers shall receive a basic expense reimbursement of Rs 25 per session conducted in schools. This means assuming 4 divisions per class, and standards 2nd- 6th, it works out to 20 sessions per school. Hence a volunteer may get a potential honorarium of Rs 500/- per school. This would be inclusive of all volunteer costs incurred for the program.
This initiative is an opportunity for you to be a part of the extended CHILDLINE Family and participate in one of the most important Child Protection initiatives in India. Join us in this initiative to help protect our children!
Prospective Volunteers, please register using the form. Registration does not guarantee selection for the workshop. CIF will scrutinize the forms and shortlist potential candidates and may need to meet you/talk to you before finalizing the list of approved candidates for Training.

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