How to apply for Bakijai Clearance Certificate Assam?

Organisation : Government Of Assam
Facility : Apply for Bakijai Clearance Certificate

Home Page : http://assam.gov.in/speeches1/-/asset_publisher/h5uCF28crMS6/document/id/1880062
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/6020-15.pdf

Bakijai Clearance Certificate :

Service Time Frames :
With Dealing Assistant :
Case to be handled within 1 day after the receipt of application. Dealing Assistant should take action before the end of 2nd working day from date of application.

Related : How to apply for Land Valuation Certificate Assam : www.statusin.in/6016.html

In Days : 1

With Approving Authority :
Approving Authority to review the Application and take appropriate action (Approve / Reject / Verify) within 1 days from the date of the application.

In Days : 1

Days for Final Action :
The Service is to be catered to within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

In Days : 2

Supporting Documents Required : In case, each supporting document has multiple pages, please convert the same to a single document, with a file size of less than
2MB(2048 kb) and upload.
** Affidavit
** Other Documents (if any)

Service Charges :
Bakijai Clearance Certificates Amount :
** Service Charges 14.00
** Printing Charges 5.00
** Scaning Charges 5.00
** Other Charges 0.00
** DeGS Charges 6.00
** SCA Charges 0.00
Total Amount 3

Bakijai Clearance Certificates Documents Submit To :
** Affidavit CSC / Facilitaion Center Operator
** Other Documents (if any) CSC / Facilitaion Center Operator

FAQs :
1) What are the objectives of an integrated e- governance service?
The Government is attracted more towards electronic governance or e-governance these days. However, choosing the right solution is an important challenge that is set in front of the government.

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The fact remains that the main purpose of implementing such a technology is to reduce the cost and time parameters. Connecting to the public is another major objective of e-governance.

Availability of information and e-service at any point of time will definitely get some positive response from the e-citizens. Electronic participation is a major evaluation constraint for e-governance.

If e-participation increases, it implies that there is a better acceptability for the new system in place.

2) What are the benefits to the common people from an integrated e- governance service?
It will help in providing a positive impact on the availability of service, security, privacy etc. With the popularity of e-governance, other technologies like e-commerce, e-services etc will also gain popularity.

With the implementation of this technology, different government departments will be able to work more efficiently towards a common goal. Data transfer between different departments will become more efficient.

Use of e-governance will help the common people to get more time out of their clock. Services and information will mostly be available online for anyone.

This helps in a better service to public. Instead of waiting in line for hours, people will certainly choose this facility for their transactions. An example for this is the e-submission of forms, where the citizens can fill & submit the form at their own convenience.

When convenience of public increases the satisfaction also improves. And all this can be achieved with very less expenditure on implementation. Better availability of information will make a government more transparent. A digital government can be viewed as a smart government.

3) What is the importance of an integrated e- governance service?
These days people refuse to think in the conventional manners. The World has advanced quite a lot and people like implementing the latest technologies in their day to day lives. E-Governance is an answer to people’s demands and it’s a requirement in today’s world.

Effective implementation of e-Governance will help bring out easy solutions to the genuine requirements of the people. A digital government will certainly be better in governance in today’s world. Effective use of technology is required to build an online government.

People have better access to the affairs around them today mainly due to influence of the media. People get to know about the world around them and will certainly want the good things around them to be adapted by their local government.

A customer care center has to be implemented by the government in order to let the people express their views and concerns. It will help the government to gain ideas about the needs of the citizens through an efficient citizen management system.

Categories: Assam
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