Assam Transport : Issuance of Tourist Permit

Organisation : Department of Transport Assam
Facility :Issuance of Tourist Permit

Home Page : https://transport.assam.gov.in/
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/6026-Form-45.pdf

Tourist Permit :
Tourist Permits are issued by the State Transport Authority to the vehicles like Bus and Motor Cabs for the purpose of the carrying the tourist.

Requirements :
** Application in Form-45;
** Application in Form-46;
** Relevant documents of the vehicle;
** Tax clearance certificate;
** Proff of address;
** Prescribed fees;

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Necessity of Permit :
As per the Section 66(1) of M.V.Act.1988 no owner of a motor vehicle shall use or permit the use of the vehicle as Transport Vehicle in any public place unless he obtains a permit from Regional or State Transport Authority.

Granting of Permit :
For obtaining a road permit the owner of a vehicle may apply to the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority in the prescribed application form. The granting of the permit will be decided by the concerning RTA or STA board, keeping in view the public interest of the area.

Types of Permit :
There are different types of road permits and they are viz.
** Stage Carriage Permit
** Goods Carriage Permit
** Contract Carriage Permit
** National Road Permit
** All India Tourist Permit
** Temporary Permit
** Special Permit

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