tnrd.gov.in Self Sufficiency Scheme Tamil Nadu : Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Department

Organisation : Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Department Tamil Nadu
Facility : Self Sufficiency Scheme

Home Page : http://www.tnrd.gov.in/schemes_states.html
Get more details here: http://www.tnrd.gov.in/schemes/st_sss.html

Self Sufficiency Scheme :
This Government recognized the community participation in collaborative decision-making, mediation, community building and consensus building to ensure an open and accountable process through which the individuals and groups could exchange views and promote useful community assets. Hence as a measure to promote public participation in Government Schemes, this Government has re introduced the Self Sufficiency Scheme in 2011-12.

Selection of Works :
** The felt-need for taking up a work may originate from individuals, groups, institutions, public or private companies or from the community.
** The District Collector shall receive the application from the public on the work identified and also the consent letter for contributing not less than one third of the estimated cost.
** Estimates will be prepared only after ascertaining the need and the feasibility of the work proposed.
** In case the requirement exceeds the allocation, the District Collector shall arrange the works in the order of priority and accord administrative sanction.
** Commissioner of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj shall receive major contribution from public or private companies for specific projects to be implemented across the State.

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List of Permitted Works :
** Construction of buildings, laboratories, toilets and compound walls/fencing to Government, Adi Dravidar, Tribal, Panchayat Union and Kallar Reclamation schools, Government Colleges and Government Hostels.
** Construction of buildings, compound walls and fencing to Government Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Sub-centres, Veterinary Dispensaries, Livestock Centres and Libraries. Construction of compound walls in Burial grounds including compound walls in the Burial grounds belonging to public wakfs registered with the Tamil Nadu Wakf Board will also be taken up.
** Construction of Libraries in rural and urban areas, Noon Meal Centres, Anganwadis, School Kitchen Sheds and Public Distribution System Shops in rural and urban areas. Wherever construction of libraries are undertaken, care should be taken that adequate contribution has been made for the procurement of books.
** Creating community assets like drinking water sources, cement concrete roads and threshing floors in rural and urban areas.
** Maintenance of all community assets. Priority shall be given for the maintenance of Integrated Sanitary Complex for women and men.
** Construction of Integrated Sanitary Complex for women and men.
** Construction of bridges, culverts, upgradation of gravel/WBM roads to BT standard, renewal of worn out BT roads, improvement of streets and lanes with brick or metal stones or cement slabs or cement concrete.
** Formation, improvement and maintenance of parks, play grounds, traffic islands, fountains, street lights (including solar lights).
** Purchase of furniture, computers and accessories for Government and Panchayat Union schools, libraries and buildings for the use of the public. Old computers and accessories should not be purchased.
** Construction of class rooms, laboratories, compound walls for toilets and cycle stands in all Government Schools, Panchayat Union Schools, Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools and Tribal Schools, Kallar Reclamation Schools and in 100% Government–aided Schools.
** All types of works related to Solid Waste Management, and works related to improving the sanitation conditions of the environment.
** Provision for Solar lights in Anganwadis and other Public buildings owned by Government and Rural and Urban Local Bodies.

List of Prohibited Works :
The following works cannot be taken up under the SSS unless specifically included in the exceptions :
1) Construction of offices and residential buildings belonging to Central and State Governments, including Public Sector Undertakings and Co-operative Societies.
2) Purchase of all movable items, equipments and furniture.
3) Any work in Self-financing Schools and Colleges.
4) All works involving commercial** establishments/units.
5) Grants and loans, contribution to any Central and State/UT Relief Funds.
6) Acquisition of land or any** ** compensation for land acquired.
7) Reimbursement of any type of completed or partly completed works or items.
8) Assets for individual/family benefits.
9) All revenue and recurring expenditure.

Execution of Works :
** ** Execution of works will be done by the Local Bodies or the Department concerned through tender as per the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Act 1998.
** ** To facilitate larger participation of the people in this Scheme, if the public or contributors opt to execute the work themselves or through their agency, willingness should be given by them in writing while applying for the work under Self Sufficiency Scheme. The District Collector will examine the request and permit the contributors or the agency to execute the works if the public contribution is 50% or more than the estimate of the work. But in case of Desiltation of PWD tanks or desiltation of water sources of Municipality, Town Panchayat or Panchayat Unions, even if the public contribution is 50% or more, the work should be executed only through tender.

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