Telangana Transport Transfer Of Ownership Of Motor Vehicle

Name of the Organization : Transport Department,Telangana
Type of Facility : Transfer Of Ownership Of Motor Vehicle
Home Page :http://www.transport.telangana.gov.in/html/registration-ownershiptransfer-normal.html
Apply here : http://www.transport.telangana.gov.in/html/form29A.php

Telangana Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle

Go to the official website of Telangana Transport, click on the “Registration” tab in menu, then click on “Ownership Transfer” in sub menu list

Related / Similar Service :
Telangana Transport Registration Number & Status Reservation

Click on “Click here to Book online slot ” link. Registration page will be opened, enter the following details.

Select “Transfer of Ownership” option .

Select Type Of Transaction(s) “Transfer of Ownership” option,then select yes/No [Do you have original Registration Certificate]

Related Post

Enter the Following Details :
1. Enter Registration Number * [258794]
2. Last 5 digits/characters of Chassis Number *[258794]
3. Enter Your Mobile Number * [9876543210]
4. Please Enter Captcha Recieved * [8745]



Where the ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred, the transferor shall report the fact of transfer in Form 29 to the registering authorities concerned in whose jurisdiction the transferor and the transferee reside or have their places of business.

** An application for the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle under sub-clause
** of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 50 shall be made by the transferee in Form 30, and shall be accompanied by :-
** the certificate of registration
** the certificate of insurance,
** the certificate of pollution under control
** PAN card in case of 4-wheeler
** The appropriate fee as specified in rule 81.
** An application for Issue of No Objection Certificate shall be made in Form 28 (in triplicate) to the Registration Authority by which the Vehicle was previously Registered / Transferred. by affixing Rs.3/- Non-Judicial Court Fee Stamp.
** a no objection certificate granted by the registering authority under subh-section (3) of section 48; or
** an order of the registering authority refusing to grant the no objection certificate under sub-section (3) of section 48;
** where the no objection certificate or the order, as the case may be, has not been received, a declaration by the transferor that he has not received any such communication together with :-
** the receipt obtained from the registering authority under sub-section (2) of section 48; or
** the postal acknowledgement received from the registering authority where the application for no objection certificate has been sent by post.


Where the owner of a motor vehicle dies, the person succeeding to the possession of the vehicle may for a period of three months, use the vehicles as if it has been transferred to him where such person has, within thirty days of the death of the owner informs the registering authority of the occurrence of the death of the owner and of his own intention to use the vehicle.
** The person referred to in sub-rule(1) shall apply in Form 31 within the period of three months to the said registering authority for the transfer of ownership of the vehicle in his name accompanied by :-
** The appropriate fee as specified in rule 81 :
** The death certificate in relation to the registered owner
** The certificate of registration and
** The certificate of insurance


the person who acquired or purchase a motor vehicle at a public auction conducted by or on behalf of the Central Government or a State Government shall make an application in Form 32 within thirty days of taking possession of the vehicle to the registering authority accompanied by :-
** The appropriate fee as specified in rule 81;
** The certificate of registration and insurance;
** The certificate or order confirming the sale of the vehicle in his favour duly signed by the person authrorised to conduct the auction; and
** The certified copy of the order of the Central Government or State Government authorizing the auction of the vehicle.
** Where the vehicle auctioned is a vehicle without any registration mark or with a registration mark which on verification is found to be false, the registering authority shall, subject to the provisions of section 44, assign a new registration mark to the vehicle in the name of the department of the Central Government or State Government auctioning the vehicle and thereafter record the entries of transfer of ownership of the vehicle giving the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle is sold :
** [provided that motor vehicle in the name of Central Government or State Government shall not be transferred by the concerned registering authority without verifying the proceedings of auction or disposal of the concerned vehicle].

FAQ On Telangana Transfer of Ownership

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Telangana Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle

Q: What is Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle in Telangana?
A: Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle in Telangana is the process of transferring the ownership of a vehicle from one person to another. This process is necessary when a person sells their vehicle or buys a used vehicle.

Q: What are the documents required for Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle in Telangana?
A: The following documents are required for Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle in Telangana:
** Original RC (Registration Certificate) of the vehicle
** Form 29 (Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle)
** Form 30 (Application for Intimation and Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle)
** PUC (Pollution Under Control) Certificate
** Insurance Certificate
** Address proof of the buyer and seller
** Aadhaar

Categories: Telangana

View Comments (7)

  • I sold my bike to malakpet resident, which was actually Kurnool registered bike. I gave NOC issued by kurnool RTA and all the documents. How do I get to know whether it is transferred on his name?

  • I sold my Maruthi Swift car to Malakpet resident. Gave all the required documents including no objection from Kukatpally RTO. How to find the ownership transfer details whether the car is registered on their name and address?

  • My son expired during january,2015. A four wheeler car and a two wheeler motor cycle are on his name as on the date of his death. Due to ill health and other reasons I could not make any process of changing the title on my name. Please let me know to whom I should approach and what is the procedure to get them changed on my name?

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