opepa.in Free Text Book Scheme Odisha : Primary Education Programme Authority

Organisation :Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority
Facility : Free Text Book Scheme

Home Page :http://www.opepa.in/website/default.aspx
Get more details here:http://www.opepa.in/website/FreeTextbook.aspx

Free Text Book :
Brief description of the scheme / intervention. :
** Free text books are provided to the focus group children (all SC/ST and General Girls) from class I to VIII reading in govt. and govt. aided primary and upper primary schools of the state under Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan (SSA).
** The printing and supply of text book for the current academic session is determined in the State Level Coordination Committee chaired by the Hon’ble Minister, School and Mass Education prior to the commencement of the academic session. As per the decision of the committee the work is entrusted to the Director, Text Book Production and Marketing, Govt. of Orissa to print and supply NT books from class I-VII and Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack to print and supply text book of class VIII.
** OPEPA placed the indent to the TBP&M and BSE as per DISE for timely printing and supply of free text books to the block points and NAC/Municipality. After receipt of books from TBPM and BSE the BRCCs of the block distributed the books to the school points. OPEPA bears the cost of text book of all SC/ST and General Girls only. The Govt. bears the cost of books for general boy’s student.
** All Textbooks from I to VIII have been developed by Dte. of TE & SCERT in consonance with NCF – 2005 and SCF – 2007. A rigorous process of inculcating all the characteristics of NCF – 2005 has been taken into consideration while prepared in the textbook. The Books are printed by TBP&M, Odisha and being distributed to various BRC by 30th June every year.
** The textbook of all the classes are designed in such a manner that the TLMs and workbook are integrated to ensure they do not become a burden on the child.
** The language of textbooks is oriya for all students except the English subject. However, separate textbook in language have been prepared for Bengali and Urdu students as per their Mother Tongue. The Telugu Books received from Andhra Pradesh are distributed to the Telugu Students.
** The language of textbook for tribal areas is tribal in concept and odia in script.
** The medium of instruction at primary and upper primary levels is odia.
** Multi-lingual education for class – I, II & III children have been provided in 10 languages. This year, it has been decided to start MLE for tribal students of more 16 languages.

Information about Textbooks :
Class Prepared By Year of Publication Year of renewal No. of Books Cost of total set of textbooks* :
Class I OPEPA 2001-02 2008-09 2 36
Class II OPEPA 2001-02 2009-10 2 56
Class III OPEPA 2001-02 2008-09 4 85
Class IV OPEPA 2004-05 2009-10 5 107
Class V OPEPA 2005-06 2010-11 6 120
Class VI SCERT 1996-97 2008-09 10 169
Class VII SCERT 1996-97 2010-11 11 189
Class VIII BSE 2003-04 2010-11 14 400
As per the above table, the average cost of textbooks at the primary level is Rs.110.00, and at upper primary level it is Rs.225.00 including the cost of workbook. The cost of supply of free textbooks for general category boys in Class VIII, is being borne by SSA. **

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