KVIC Export Incentive Scheme : Khadi & Village Industries Commission

Organisation :Khadi & Village Industries Commission
Facility : Export Incentive Scheme

Home Page :http://www.kvic.org.in/
Get more details here :http://www.kvic.org.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=304&Itemid=32

Export Incentive Scheme :

The Commission in its Meeting No.526th dated 24.02.2004 considered the proposal of Ministry of Commerce for extending “Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) to Exporters” and decided to launch an Export Incentive Scheme for exporters of KVI products which was circulated vide Circular No. No.MKT/ EXP /Incentive/ Policy/590-Part II/ 2003-04 Dated 17th March 2004.

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The details of the scheme are as follows :-
** The KVI institutions/REGP units registered with KVIC/KVIB nominated by KVIC for participating in “International Exhibitions” will be provided 90% to and fro airfare by economy class.
** The KVI institutions/REGP units registered with KVIC/KVIB nominated by KVIC for participation in “Sale cum Study Tour” abroad will be provided 90% to and fro airfare by economy class.
** The KVI institutions/REGP units registered with KVIC/KVIB nominated by KVIC for participating in “Sales cum Study Tour ” / Exhibitions/ Buyer Seller Meet etc. abroad, will be reimbursed 25% of the total approved cost with an upper ceiling of Rs.15,000/- per event, towards actual expenditure incurred on publicity in terms of bringing out product catalogue, brochure, hand outs etc.
** Assistance for visits abroad shall be applicable only in case of visits organized and sponsored by KVIC. Participation by individual units of their own shall not be considered for assistance.

Export Incentive For Exports Effected :
** The Export incentive AT 5% of actual export realization on FOB value of exports will be extended to exporting KVI institutions/REGP units under KVI Sector as per terms and conditions blow :-
** All export-oriented units/institutions under KVIC including the direct listed units of KVIC, KVIB and their aided agencies, REGP Units enlisted with the Directorate of Marketing shall submit the export claims every year in the prescribed format (Annexure-A) and forward the same with supporting documents like G.R. forms/Shipping bills, Original bank certificate, Audited balance sheet etc. duly countersigned by the concerned State/Divisional Directors of the Commission. Guidelines for claiming export incentive are enclosed at Annexure – B.
** Directorate of Marketing shall examine the claims reckoning those with dues to be recovered from the Institution/REGP Unit against loans availed or any other recovery(ies).
** The claim (excluding recoveries effected ) shall be vetted by Director (Finance) and sanctioned with the approval of the competent authority in terms S.O.No.1606 dated 10.04.2002.
** Sanction Orders would be sent to the Director of Accounts who will disburse the incentive to the said institution/ REGP unit from out of G &M funds earmarked for the purpose after deduction of Commission’s dues, if any.
** The assistance/support shall be extended only to KVI Institutions/REGP Units, KVIC/KVIB and their aided units which are “Enlisted with KVIC” for the purpose as per Annexure-III.

Mandatory Documents :
** Copy of G.R. forms/Shipping Bills
** Whether Bank Certificate attached
** For REGP Units please provide details of registration.
** Whether last years audited balance sheet attached

Guidelines For Claiming Export Incentive :
Exporting Institutions/REGP Units will forward their claims in the prescribed format through respective State/Divisional Directors who will countersign the following documents enclosed with the proposal :-
** Previous years balance sheet and current years provisional balance sheet duly certified by a Chartered Accountant. In case of claims submitted against provisional current balance sheet the audited balance sheet should be submitted latest by end of September of the succeeding financial year and the institution should tender an ‘UNDERTAKING’ in this regard. (Specimen copy at Annexure-IV)
** Original bank statement as proof of exports along with supporting documents like G.R.Forms/Shipping bills etc.
** Proposal thus received shall be examined by Dte. of Marketing and after vetting by Directorate of Finance the same shall be disbursed with the approval of competent authority.
** Annual report about export incentive disbursed shall be placed with SFC for information.
** State/Divisional Director and /or Director (Mkt.) shall reserve the right of inspection of such units and its records at any point of time along with audit team if required and also conduct special audit whenever felt necessary.
** Declaration to be given by unit that figures and documents are genuine and in case there is any default, mis- representation of facts, fraud etc., the unit shall be solely responsible for any penal action thereof. (Specimen copy at Annexure-V)

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Tags: kvic.org.in
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