Adani Gas : Generate Self Bill Online

Organisation : Adani Gas
Facility Name : Generate Self Bill Online
Website : https://www.adanigas.com/

How To Generate Adani Gas Self Bill Online?

To Generate Adani Gas Self Bill Online, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Adani Gas New Connection

Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.adanigas.com/self-billing
Step-2 : Enter the Customer ID
Step-3 : Enter the Captcha code and
Step-4 : Click on the button “Go”

Distribution of Natural Gas

Natural Gas is transported and supplied to the consumer’s premises through an extensive pipeline network that is based on the Main Steel Pipeline that brings the gas from the source to the city. The gas, commonly known as Piped Natural Gas (PNG), is routed via smaller pipes to homes, offices, stores, factories and all major demand centers in the city.

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Along the steel network, CNG stations are located, where NG is compressed and distributed to vehicles as a fuel. Pressure regulators maintain the requisite pressure in the pipeline. Metering device installed in the customer’s premises records the units of gas consumed by the user based on which invoicing is done.

Do’s & Dont’s:
** Before you turn on your gas stove, make it a habit to open all doors and windows for proper ventilation. Since gas is lighter than air, it would disperse immediately in case of any leakage. This will help avoid any incidents of fire or explosions.
** In case you smell any leakage, close the main control valve and inform Adani Total Gas Company immediately.
** If the leakage is observed in the yellow PE (Poly-ethylene) line, inform the company immediately and do not allow any vehicles near the leakage point.
** Inform the company for any digging/ construction work on a gas line by you or third party near or around your house.
** Always close your gas tap before you go to bed at night.
** For any changes in your gas pipeline, always ensure an authorized person makes the changes.
** Never use non-standard unauthorized tubes; always insist on rubber tube supplied/ approved by the gas company.
** Always ensure your rubber hose is correctly fit.
** Inform to customer care if subsequent meter reading comes.
** Last reading of your meter shows NIL consumption. Kindly contact our customer care if gas is used, so that defective meter can be replaced.

** In case you smell a gas leakage, do not operate any electrical switches and appliances.
** Do not smoke or ignite candle lamps etc. in case of any leakage.
** STOP cooking immediately if you smell a gas leakage.
** Do not carry-out or allow any digging and alteration/construction on gas line. If required inform Adani Total gas company about it.
** Do not allow any flame, spark or smoking near the leakage point.
** Never carry out any alteration by yourself and never tamper with any fittings of gas connection.


Email : customercare.gas@adani.com

Categories: National
Tags: adanigas.com
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