HP Transport : Get Goods Carriage Permit Himachal Pradesh

Organization :Transport Department Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Get Goods Carriage Permit

Home Page :http://himachal.nic.in/index.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3
Get more details here :http://himachal.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3&level=1&sublinkid=3082&lid=3649

Goods Carriage Permit :
Temporary Permit :
** Application to be used HP FORM XXV PA
** Records to be filed along with the application
Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
Fitness Certificate.
Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter.
Insurance Certificate.
** Fee to be paid As prescribed in HPMVR,1999
Manner of payment of Fee The fee can be paid directly in the office or a Treasury challan.

Goods Permit (Basic) :
** Application to be used HP FORM XXIV P. Gd. C.A.
** Records to be filed along with the application
1.Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
2.Fitness Certificate.
3.Insurance Certificate of the vehicle.
4. Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter
** Fee to be paid As prescribed in HPMVR,1999
** Manner of payment of Fee cash receipt or treasury challan

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National Permit :
National permit means a permit granted by a competent authority to a goods carriage to operate through-out India / the Territory of or in such contiguous States not being less than four in number including the states in which the permit is issued as may be specified in such permit in accordance with the choice indicated in the application.
National Permit in respect of a Goods Carriage is issued as provided for in sub-section 12 of Section 88 of the M.V.Act, 1988.

Eligible for permit :
Any registered owner of a transport vehicle can apply for the permit. However there are restrictions on permits which are made available only after notification of Government

When can permits be applied :
Ans. normally permits can be applied any time. However the stage carriage permits are issued only at the time of notification as per policy.

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