HP Transport : Transfer of Ownership & Change of Address Himachal Pradesh

Organization :Transport Department Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Transfer of Ownership & Change of Address

Home Page :http://himachal.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3&level=2&lid=1464&sublinkid=1196
Download Forms here :http://himachal.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3&level=0&linkid=553&lid=1421

Procedure for obtaining change of address and transfer of ownership :
The vehicles migrating from other States or other regions in the State are required to obtain Change of Address or Transfer of ownership as the case may be. The vehicle owner shall file an application for noting change of address within THIRTY (30) DAYS from the date of arrival and shall furnish the following :
** Application in form CMV 33.
** Application in form CMV FORM 29 in duplicate and CMV 30 in case of Transfer of Ownership.
** Proof of Address (Refer to FAQ 1).
** Prescribed fee and tax if any payable.
** Registration Certificate (Fitness Certificate in case of Transport Vehicle).
** Tax Card.
** Insurance Certificate.
** Clearance Certificate (CC) / No Objection Certificate (NOC) as the case may be.
** Consent of the financier.
** Pollution Under Control Certificate.
** Bonafied Certificate.
** Principal place of Business Certificate issued by A.D.M./S.D.M. in case of Transport Vehicle.
All the related applications shall be filed before the Registering Authority and vehicle shall be produced for inspection in the premises of the R.T.O. /S.D.M. in case vehicle migrating from other State

Transfer Of Ownership :
For transfer of the ownership of Motor vehicle, the following documents are required :
** Form 29 and 30
** Registration certificate
** Insurance Certificate
** N.O.C. of the vehicle, if registered out side H.P
** Fees as specified Rule 81 of CMVR,1989
** Passport size photograph of Purchaser seller
** Tax clearance certificate.

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Transfer of ownership in case of death one has to apply with following documents. :
** Form 31
** Death certificate in relation to the registered owner
** Certificate of the registration and the insurance
** Proof of succession
** Passport size photo

For vehicle purchased in public auction, one has to apply with the following documents :-
** Form 32
** Certificate of Registration and Insurance.
** Certificate of order confirming the sale of vehicle in his favour by the person authorized to conduct the auction.
** Certified copy of the order of the Government authorizing the auction of the vehicle.
** Fees specified in Rule 81 of CMVR,1989
** Passport size photo of purchaser.

Change of Address :
The application has to be submitted along with the following documents :
** CMV Form 33
** Registration certificate
** Insurance certificate
** Pollution Under Control Certificate
** Prescribed fee as per Rule 81 of CMVR
** Proof of address

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