Haryana City Gas Bill Payment Online : haryanacitygas.com

Organisation : Haryana City Gas (HCG, HCGDPL)
Facility Name : Pay Bill Online
Applicable State/UT : Haryana
Website : https://haryanacitygas.com/

How To Pay Haryana City Gas Bill Online?

To Pay Haryana City Gas Bill Online, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Haryana City Gas KYC Update Online

Step-1 : Go to the link https://haryanacitygas.com/pay-bill
Step-2 : Enter your CRN Number
Step-3 : Click on “Proceed” button

FAQ On Haryana City Gas

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Haryana City Gas (HCG)

Q. What is natural gas?
Answer: Natural Gas is primarily methane-CH4 with a small percentage of other higher hydrocarbons. The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is least in methane and hence burns completely making it cleaner fuel. PNG is produced from the oil & gas wells, after it is purified the natural gas is transported through pipelines network across the country and further to the consumer. Natural gas is most versatile fuel which can replace most of existing form of fuels like petrol and diesel.

Q. Where is Natural Gas stored?
Answer: Natural Gas is not stored at one place, it is continuously supplied through pipelines. It is much safer than LPG which is stored in cylinders.

Q. Is Piped Natural Gas better than LPG as domestic fuel?
Answer: Yes definitely PNG is better as it is continuous supply through gas pipe line where as LPG is filled in a cylinder which has a fixed capacity and then installed.

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Q. Is the supply of PNG regular?
Answer: Yes, the supply is continuous. The pipeline distribution network is based on an on-line supply system that consists of safety valves and regulators that control and monitor the gas supply and pressure and assist in identifying system leaks. Thus an un-interrupted supply at a constant pressure is assured.

Q. Is it required to change the LPG appliance to switchover to PNG?
Answer: No, it does not require any change in the appliance, with some minor modifications LPG appliance can be easily converted to PNG. The working of PNG is the same as LPG.

Q. What is the cost of getting a PNG connection?
Answer: The cost of PNG connection is dependent on the type of house or establishment based on that the installation charges are applicable. At the time of registration for a PNG connection, a refundable security deposit (interest free) has to be deposited.

Q. What is the system of billing?
Answer: : Billing is based on the meter readings taken by the authorized staff once in two months for domestic consumers and daily for commercial customers.
The bills are delivered at the customer’s residence or establishments. The payment of the bills can be made online and offline as acceptable by HCGDPL.

Q. How are customer queries and complaints attended to?
Answer: We have 24×7 helpline service for attending to queries & complaints. Our network control rooms are working 24 hours and by engineers and technicians attend to the issues. They can be reached on our Emergency No: 9311990900

Q. How PNG is safer than LPG?
Answer: The combustible mixture of natural gas and air does not ignite if the mixture is leaner than 5% and more than 15% of the fuel/air ratio, required for ignition. This narrow inflammability range makes PNG one of the safest fuels in the world. Natural gas is lighter than air. In case of a leak, it rises up and disperses into air given adequate ventilation is available. But LPG being heavier settles at the bottom near the floor surface.

PNG is safer as it is installed inside the premises, it contains of limited quantity of natural gas at low pressure (leakage in LPG expands 250 times), which is not the case with PNG. The PNG supply can be switched off from the appliance valve in the kitchen and the isolation valve outside kitchen area cuts off the gas supply.


Emergency Number : 9311990900
Email : info@haryanacitygas.com / customercare@haryanacitygas.com

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