Chandigarh Transport : Issuance & Renewal of Truck Permit

Organization :Chandigarh Transport Department
Facility : Issuance & Renewal of Truck Permit

Home Page :http://chdtransport.gov.in/
Download Forms here :http://chdtransport.gov.in/procedures-forms/sta/permits/issuance-renewal-of-truck-permit

Issuance & Renewal Of Truck Permit :
Step 1 ;
Request for Issuance and Renewal of Local Permit / Authorization (National Permit) .

Step 2 :
Complete and attach all the required Forms/Documents as per the Checklist. “Click Here” to view the Checklist and download the requisite Forms

Step 3 :
Verify the Documents from concerned dealing Hand and Deposit the Permit fees at concerned counter as per category of vehicle.

Step 4 :
Attach the Permit fee payment receipt with file and submit to concerned dealing hand at the STA Office for approval from Secretary STA.

Step 5 :
Collect Bank Challans for payment of NP Authorisation fee of Rs. 16500/- to be deposited in any branch of SBI, after payment in bank, NP Authorisation shall be issued within 48 hours.

Step 6 :
Visit STA office on given date for confirmation of Approval, after approval from Secretary STA Collect Permit.

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Note :
Please bring the original documents whose attested photocopies have been attached with the file.

Check List :
1. Request application for Permit.
2. Form No. 48 PDF issuance of permit and Form No. 46 for Authorization and its renewal
3. Photocopy of RC
4. Valid Road Tax
5. Valid Insurance
6. Valid Fitness
7. Goods Tax clearance from Excise & Taxation Department for Renewal of Public Carrier Local Goods Permits

Note :
Please bring the original documents whose attested photocopies have been attached with the file.

Eligible for permit :
Any registered owner of a transport vehicle can apply for the permit. However, there are restrictions or permits are made available only after notification of government.

Who enforces the permit conditions :
The Enforcement Wing of Transport Department inspects the permit conditions.

What is the action taken against violation of permit conditions :
Action is taken by State Transport Authority (STA) against these offenders Under Section 86 of M.V. Act for suspension/cancellation of permits.

Where do I have to apply for different permits :
Ans. Application along with other necessary documents, as per checklists can be submitted at the Counter in office of Secretary, State Transport Authority., Sector-18, Chandigarh.

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