Urban Local Bodies : Check Employee Payslip Details Uttar Pradesh

Organization : Urban Local Bodies Uttar Pradesh
Facility : Check Employee Payslip Details

Home Page :http://e-nagarsewaup.gov.in/ulbapps/Home1.jsp
Check Details here: http://e-nagarsewaup.gov.in/ulbapps/onlinePis/pisEmployeePaySlip.action

Check Employee Payslip Detail :

** To check Employee Payslip Details, Kindly enter Emp Code or Mobile number

Related : Uttar Pradesh Urban Local Bodies Apply for Death Certificate : www.statusin.in/6288.html

** Below is the form to check PIS Employee Payslip Details. “*” marked fields are compulsory.

PIS Employee Payslip Details
** Select EMP CODE
If you Select EMP CODE
** Select ULB Name
** Enter Employee Code
** Select Month
** Select Year
If you Select MOB.NO
** Select ULB Name
** Enter Mobile Number
** Select Month
** Select Year

For Any Query, Please Mail to :
Director of Urban Local Bodies
Email : pgenagarsewaup AT gmail.com
Landline :0522-2288992
Toll Free Number :1800 180 5432
For Technical Issues, mail to enagarsewa-up AT nic.in

About Us :
Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state of the country comprising of 75 Districts with 18 Divisional Headquarters, and an urban populations of 4.44 crores. It has 630 Urban Local Bodies.
** 14 Municipal Corporations commonly referred to as Nagar Nigams
** 193 Municipal Councils commonly known as Nagar Palika Parishads
** 423 Nagar Panchayats commonly known as Town Areas.

This e-Municipalities Central Application has been conceived and launched in order to give services to citizens of Uttar Pradesh and Employees of Urban Local Bodies.

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Latest trends and technologies like automatic notifications via SMS, USSD services, Mobile apps for Java/Symbian/Android Phones and IVR Call services etc. have been used to address citizens.

Frequently Asked Questions :
1. What facilities are available for RTI?
The e-nagarsewa provides provision for Citizen to track an entered application for its progress via the e nagarsewa application.

2. What are the application available for MPR for employees ?
The e-nagarsewa provides provision to enter the MPR data and provides the admin reports and the user reports for their prescribed logins. It provides entery of 43 proforma in the application.

3. What are the provisions of property tax collection?
There are three provisions for the property tax collection.
** From Counter of Zonal Office of Nagar Nigam

** From Registered CSC of Nagar Nigam
** From Webbased solution via payment gateway ( SBI Mops)

4. Can I get the Birth/Death certificate from Hospital?
When the event ( Birth/death) takes place in hospital, there is provision to register the brith/death and the provisional birth/death certificate is given to citizen.

The list of registered hospitals in e nagar sewa is at the link : View Link This is functional in all Nagar Nigams (14) of Uttar Pradesh.

5. What are the application available for MPR for employees ?
The e-nagarsewa provides provision to enter the MPR data and provides the admin reports and the user reports for their prescribed logins. It provides entery of 43 proforma in the application

6. Can I track my applicstion on mobile android/non android?
Yes you can

Categories: Payslip/Payroll
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