How to apply for Temporary Electricity Connection Haryana?

Name of the organisation : Government Of Haryana
Type Of Facility : Apply for Temporary Electricity Connection

Home Page :https://jansahayak.haryana.gov.in/
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/632-temp_electricity.pdf
Apply here : https://jansahayak.haryana.gov.in/

Apply for Temporary Electricity Connection :

With UHBVN, getting a temporary electricity connection for your home is so much quicker and easier just follow this step approach which covers the entire process of brightening up your homes and lives.

Related : How to Get Enhancemtent Of Load In Electricity Connection Haryana : www.statusin.in/637.html

Apply for Temporary Electricity Connection :
To apply for a temporary electricity connection you need to visit you nearest Divisional / Sub Divisional UHBVN office, where you would be required to fill up the requisition form for new connection. Click here to download the application form for temporary electricity connection.

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required to submit some documents along with the form. :
** Ownership sale agreement
** Election ID
** Ration Card
** Passport size photographs
** Possession /Allotment Letter (Government Premises)
** Land Lord’s No Objection Certificate (in case of tenant).
** Two witness with their photocopy of electricity bill same sub division.
** Urban Area :copy of sale deed or assessment copy of house rent.
** Rural Area : verification by concern village sarpanch that house is under Lal Dora ** ** ** **
** No objection certificate from other owners if applicant is joint owner of the property. Information required in addition to the above are :
** Test report verified by Government authorized electrical contractor stating details of the connected load of electrical appliances present in your premises.

cost of Application form :
The requisition form is available free of cost.

After submission of requisition form you will get acknowledgment slip mentioning details of the dated of submission of new connection application form and a unique application number. Thereafter an electrical engineer will visit your premised to verify the details you have submitted; of the load connected and the dues existing at your site. Based on his verification, your application will be accepted or rejected. If the connection is sanctioned a demand note will be raised and you will need to deposit the requisite amount at the UHBVN office..

Work Flow Process Temprorary Electricity Connection :
** Electricity Connection File forwarded to the concern J.E.
** Documents Required Proof of Property 1..Residence Proof 2.. Photograph 3 ..Grunter Undertaking with photo 4 Application form.
** Receipt will be given to Applicant and an acknowledgement for a time period of one week for confirmation of document
** Applicant will submit the complete file at receipt counter Is Connection Feasible
** File sent back to Receipt Counter with Remarks
** J.E. will visit the site to check the feasibility of connection Consumer Clerk will mark the file with Security fees
** Applicant will deposit the Security fee. If Meter & Cable is purchased by Applicant If Meter & Cable is from the UHBVN deptt.
** Applicant will be asked to deposit the meter and cable in the UHBVN deptt.
** File goes to Consumer Clerk to issue Service Connection order. 2 days

Categories: Haryana
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