HP Transport : Get Private Service Vehicle Permit Himachal Pradesh

Organization : Transport Department Himachal Pradesh
Facility :Get Private Service Vehicle Permit

Home Page :http://himachal.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3&level=1&sublinkid=3083&lid=3652
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/6323-appl_psv-88765729.pdf

Private Service Vehicle Permit :
** Application for permit is required to be made in Form PPSVA
** A permit fee as per HPMVR,1999.
** Application should be accompanied with copy of R.C. Book, proof of payment of tax, Fitness Certificate, Certificate of Insurance, and P.U.C.
** the area or the route or routes to which the application relates.
** the manner in which it is claimed that the purpose of carrying persons otherwise than for hire or reward or in connection with the trade or business carried on by the applicant will be served by vehicle;
** Permit is valid for 5 years.

Where to Apply :
To the concerned Regional Transport Office.

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Eligible for permit :
Any registered owner of a transport vehicle can apply for the permit. However there are restrictions on permits which are made available only after notification of Government

When can permits be applied :
Normally permits can be applied any time. However the stage carriage permits are issued only at the time of notification as per policy.

Fee :
Private Service Vehicles
** 1st year n Rs.)300.00
** Subsequent year (in Rs.) 250.00
Provided that the late fee so charged shall not exceed double the amount of renewal fees/countersignature fee due from such owner. In case the owner does not get the permit renewed/countersigned within a period of three months, the competent authority shall initiate necessary action under th provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988/ Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989 against the permit holder.

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