hppcl.gov.in Self Employment Scheme Himachal Pradesh : Power Corporation Ltd

Organization : Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd
Facility :Self Employment Scheme for Project Affected Families

Home Page :hppcl.gov.in/page/relief-rehabilitation.aspx
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/6373-2010_2_2010_2_Self%20Employment%20Scheme.pdf

Self Employment Scheme for Project Affected Families
Introduction :
The most sought after measure of rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) by Project Affected Families (PAF) and Project Affected Persons (PAP) in all the projects of HPPCL is employment. It is a cherished desire of HPPCL also to provide employment to the maximum possible number of people from PAF and PAP and in this regard, contrary to the putative understanding, it views the employment as a means to earning livelihood beyond governmentor government owned corporation’s service. While it wants to help the PAFs and PAPs intheir quest for employment without compromising organization’s capability andcompetitiveness, it is not possible for HPPCL to employ all the PAFs and PAPs on its rolls.As such, HPPCL wants to help the PAF and PAP to become self-employed and in the processprovide employment to others also. Self-employment in the form of entrepreneurship to startone’s own business is the most potent measure to rehabilitate and resettle the affected people. Keeping in view this overarching goal, the present scheme is formulated as under.

Objectives :
** To assist families who were self-employed and whose occupation has adversely been affected by HPPCL project.
** To provide assistance for alternate employment including self-employment to PAFs and PAPs.
** To assist families for starting their own occupation towards becoming self-employed and also becoming capable to provide employment to others.

Eligibility Criteria :
** Should be PAF. If enough applications are not received from PAF’s then other residents of PAA may be considered.
** Should be adult of sound mind
** No one from his/her family should have been provided employment on regular basis by HPPCL under the provision in R&R policy for employment to one member of main PAF rendered landless.
** The family through head of family should recommend on behalf of the family.
** Should have the requisite minimum qualifications to undertake and run the chosen enterprise/activity.
** This assistance for self employment will be provided once only for eligible family.
** Having received assistance or help from any other agency like bank etc. or under any other government sponsored scheme shall not debar the applicant PAF/PAP from seeking assistance under this scheme.

Financial Assistance :
** Financial Assistance worth Rs. 50,000/- per applicant (sole or joint) will be provided to the eligible families fulfilling the requirement for this assistance.
** In case of joint application or proposal by a group of applicants from eligible PAFs, the amount of assistance shall in the multiples of applicants. The sanction will be collective but disbursement will be to individual.
** This assistance will be provided in 3 or 4 installments. However, in exceptional cases, to be decided by head of Project, this assistance can be given in one or two installments if asset creation is verified.
** HPPCL will agree to release the subsidy portion to the bank if the bank agrees to release the complete amount together with subsidy in installments agreed by HPPCL or in accordance with some scheme of the bank which may be agreed to by HPPCL. Usually the release to individual will be through bank. However, if required, subsidy can be released directly to beneficiary with approval of HOP.
** The installments will be formed together with the loan, therefore, installments will be worked out by Head of Project (HOP) in consultation with the bank. In case there are no set norms then HOP may work out installment in such a manner so that 1st installment goes towards creation of basic infrastructure, 2nd installment is used for acquiring of movable assets, plan machinery etc. and the remaining is used for working capital.

Application Form for seeking Financial Assistance :
Application Form for seeking financial Assistance under this scheme can be obtained from the project site office/Public Information Centre (PIC)/R&R Corporate Office or it can be downloaded from the HPPCL web site hppcl.gov.in). Specimen of the application Form is placed at Annexure-1. The proposal should be submitted to the concerned HPPCL Project office with the R&R staff. The project R&R staff shall assist in preparation of the proposal and also filling in the application form. Single application can be filed by a SHG of eligible applicants for funding a common proposal, but it must have signatures of all members.

Concept of formation of Self-Help Group (SHG) :
As envisaged under the scheme, formation of SHG will be encouraged and facilitated. A group of PAF (comprising of up to but not less than five members) can jointly start a new occupation for becoming self-dependent under this scheme. SHG formation will be facilitated by the Project R&R Staff. In such cases, the total Financial Assistance (FA) would be multiplied by the normative rate, to cover the cost of the project not financed by the concerned bank. This assistance will be provided only once by HPPCL. For one PAF, FA amounting to Rs. 50,000/- only would be released and up to Rs. 2, 50,000/- to a group of five eligible applicants would be released. Some PAF’s can also become members of other groups set up by any other Govt agency like RD Deptt or Welfare Deptt or a Bank. In that case they may apply for subsidy assistance AT Rs 50,000/- per beneficiary. Group members other than those covered in this scheme can get assistance from other sources. In other words members assisted includes different schemes can also come together in a group.

Processing of application :
All the proposals received by Head of the Project shall be processed by project R&R staff. The processing would include verification of status of PAF or residence in PAA. Degree of impact on the occupation or on the source of livelihood due to the project shall be assessed by the Project R&R staff and indicated in their scrutiny report. All other information provided in the proposal by the applicant shall be verified. The proposal shall be assessed with the help of concerned bank in the locality.

Time Period of the Scheme :
The implementation of this scheme in all the project of HPPCL may be started after issuance of notification under section-4 of LAA. The implementation of this scheme will remain in force for a period of 5 years after commissioning of the project.

Monitoring :
** The project R&R staff shall be responsible for internal monitoring of progress and utilization of released fund.
** Attempt shall be made that amount released under this scheme is not misused.
** Utilization of amount released as 1st installment shall be verified by the project R&R staff.
** If the funds of the 1st installment are found misused or found lying unused by applicant, then the 2nd installment will not be released.
** For a cluster of projects for which FA was provided by HPPCL, an external or third party monitoring may be engaged.
** Performance of this Scheme shall be assessed after a period of three years of its operation. However, suggestion for improvements received in the interregnum shall be taken on board and the scheme revised as per need which may be earlier than three years period.

Review and appeal :
A three member committee to be constituted by the Head of the Project shall be competent to review cases including those of stoppage of release of second or further installment(s).

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