How to apply For Private Water Connection In Urban Area Haryana?

Name of the organisation : Government Of Haryana
Type Of Facility : Apply For Private Water Connection In Urban Area
Applicable State : Haryana

Home Page :https://jansahayak.haryana.gov.in/
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/640-WaterAppURBAN.pdf
Apply here :https://jansahayak.haryana.gov.in/Login

Apply For Private Water Connection In Urban Area :

New Water Connection
Request for application in prescribed Performa has to be submitted by the applicant through the licensed plumbers to the concerned sub division officer.

Related : How to apply For Sewerage/ Water Connection Haryana : www.statusin.in/645.html

** Application form (Click here the application form )
** Residence Certificate
** Copy of Registry
** Copy of house tax bill
** Building plan & copy of allotment letter issued by M.C.
** In case of Huda/Residence society/Govt. House attested copy of allotment letter
** Electricity bill/Telephone bill/Mobile bill
** Voter card
** If water meter purchase by the consumer then copy of bill. In case of Huda/other residence society copy of position certificate.

cost of Application form :
The requisition form is available free of cost.


** Applicant submits the file to concerned Sub Div. office i.e. Public Health Department
** Preliminary Scrutiny of Documents by concerned clerk
** Fee will be collected by the concerned clerk against cash receipt.
** File goes to concerned J.E. for physical verification
** File goes to S.D.O for sanctioning of Water Connection
** File is processed and in 12 working days connection will be given to Applicant.
** Expected Period – 12 working days.

Fee Structure For New Water Connection
One Time Fee :-
Domestic -` 1000 :
** Metal Road = ` 100 per sq ft. ` 500
** Brick Paved = ` 50 per sq.ft. ` 250
** Katcha Road = ` 10 per sq.ft. ` 100

Related Post

Commercial ` 1000 :
** Metal Road = ` 100 per sq ft. ` 500
** Brick Paved = ` 50 per sq.ft. ` 250
** Katcha Road = ` 10 per sq.ft. ` 100

Industrial ` 2000 :
** Metal Road = ` 100 per sq ft. ` 500
** Brick Paved = ` 50 per sq.ft. ` 250
** Katcha Road = ` 10 per sq.ft. ` 100

Monthly Fee Details :
** Metered Supply Un Metered Supply disposal Charges
** Domestic ` 1 per Kilo Liter ` 48 per month 25% of water charges
** Industrial Commercial Institutional ` 4 per Kilo Liter —— 25% of water charges

Type of Sewerage Connection | Connection Fee | Road Charges Pit charge ( 3 X 3 )
Domestic ` 500 :
Metal Road = ` 100 per sq ft. ` 500
Brick Paved = ` 50 per sq.ft. ` 250
Katcha Road = ` 10 per sq.ft. ` 100

Industrial / Commercial ` 1000 :
Metal Road = ` 100 per sq ft. ` 500
Brick Paved = ` 50 per sq.ft. ` 250
Katcha Road = ` 10 per sq.ft. ` 100

Application form for Water/Sewerage Connection :
Please enter the following details for E-Application,
1. Select Connection Category
2. Select District
3. Select Area
4. Select Town/Village
5. Select Issuing Authority
6. Enter Applicant Name
7. Select Gender
8. Enter Father’s Name
9. Enter Mother’s Name
10. Enter Mobile No.
11. Enter Colony
12. Enter House No.
13. Enter Pin Code
14. Select Caste
15. Select Marital Status
16. Enter Particular of Owner (In Case Of tenant)
17. Select Type Of Connection
18. Enter Tenant Father Name
19. Enter Mobile NO(In Case Of Tenant)
20. Enter Proof Of residence
21. Select Size of Ferrule
22. Enter UID
23. Enter the code shown above – If you cannot read info in image above, reload page to get another one.
24. Click on the Submit button.
Please Disable Your Pop-UP Blocker Fill all mandatory fields and the Capcha (The image shown in the box)

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