vmc.gov.in e-Payment of Property Tax : Vadodara Municipal Corporation

Organization :Vadodara Municipal Corporation Gujarat
Facility : e-Payment of Property Tax
Applicable : Vadodara
Home Page :https://vmc.gov.in/index.aspx

VMC Property Tax e-Payment

Instructions for VMC Property Tax E-Payment :
** Do not use(press) F5 key / Refresh option during transaction process
** Once you have completed transaction process, kindly login to your Net Banking account or Credit/Debit card transaction option provided by bank for balance deduction details.

Related / Similar Service :
VMC Procedure for Building Permission of NOC

** After transaction if you are not able to see receipt online, kindly do not directly make another transaction verify that balance in your account is deducted or not.

Check Your New Census No :
** Enter Current Census No

Search by Census No. :
** Enter New Census No

Owner Information :
** Enter Census No
** Enter Occupier
** Enter Owner
** Enter Local Address
** Enter Postal Address

Property Tax Dues ( e-Payment ) :
** Old (Rental Base) System & Area Base System Rs.0
** Select Payment Mode Debit / Credit Banking NET BANKING

Select Payment Mode :
** Debit / Credit Card (HDFC Gateway)

Select your payment mode & click pay Button to proceed for Payment.

About Us:

The General Board is the Supreme Body of the Municipal Corporation constituted by elected members from each wards. The General Board has wide powers over all other authorities of the Corporation like Standing Committee & Municipal Commissioner. At present, there are 38 wards of this Vadodara Municipal Corporation, each ward consists 3 seats of councillor out of them 33 % of seats are reserved for . Each councilor is elected for a term of five years. Total No of Councilors for this term is 114. All the Councilors were elected by General Election and every Councilor deserves to be appointed in various Committees for succeeding one year. After that they retire form that particular committee.

Related Post


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Vadodara Municipal Corporation VMC

1. What is required if I want to start a new business or shop?
You may contact our Shops and Establishment Office Tel.No.2411086 near Navrang Complex on Prof. Manekrao Road in Raopura and send your application in the prescribed form for Shops and Establishment licence.

With application you have to attach copies of latest Municipal Tax Bill, Building Permission letter and Occupation Certificate of the Corporation. For restaurant, hotels or shops of sweet meats, a Health Licence should be obtained from concerned Ward Office first.

2. How much time take for building permission?
According to the T.P. Act 1976 within 90 days permission is granted in accordance to the GDCR( General Development Control Regulation) GDCR is available on website of corporation.

3. How to Obtain new building development permission Form vmc?
Open the website of corporation, also approach the license holder architects, engineer, structural engineer registered with corporation. The list of registered architect engineer & structural engineers available on website

4. Which document s are required for getting building plan permission?
Check list of required documents is available on corporation website however following documents generally required.

(i) Owner ship Document : 7/12,8A,6/ property card/sand/ Registered Sale did with Index, Power of Attorney/ lease deed/ project
(ii) Area Related Documents : DILR measurement sheet, city survey tip pan/ tracing/ sand, T.P.Site plan/ old approved drownings in case of revise permission.

(iii) Zoning Certificate and Zone plan
(iv) T.P. part plan.
(v) B or F form.
(vi) Effidivate for parking, common plot, ULC, Indemnity Bond.
(vii) House Tax clearance certificate if redeveloped the old property.
(viii) Opinion of T.P.O in case property is in draft T.P.Scheme.

Some Important Information From Comments

My property by census number 06-19-028-000-011-020 at Vadodara shows that, my property tax of Rs. 9763 is due for FY 2016-17. This comprises of Arrears of Rs.5043. However, I had paid all the dues till now. The last bill paid for FY 2015-16 with receipt number 80010003 of amount Rs. 4844 was paid on 07th May 2015. Till the last bill, there was no Arrears outstanding, please clarify regarding the Arrear amount of Rs. 5043 billed to me in FY 2016-17.

Error / Problem:
1. I can not pay Online Property Tax despite many efforts due to the site problem. Please do needful at the earliest possible to make Property Tax Payment Online.

2. My census number is 10-23-052-003-024-101 and amount is 2119/-. I make payment through net banking. Money deducted from my account but receipt not generate. There will be a error like 999–1-ORA-00001 unique constraint (VMCORCS RECEIPT -PK) violated.

3. Online payment for VMC house tax website is not working. Please check it and make the website available for payment.

Most of the commenters commented that, VMC online payment website is not working.

Benefits of VMC Property Tax e-Payment

The Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) offers an e-payment facility for property tax. This facility allows property owners to pay their property tax online, without having to visit a VMC office. There are a number of benefits to using the VMC property tax e-payment facility, including:

** Convenience: Property owners can pay their property tax from anywhere, at any time, using a computer or mobile device.
** Time savings: Property owners can avoid the time and hassle of visiting a VMC office to pay their property tax.
** Security: The VMC property tax e-payment facility uses secure encryption technology to protect property owners’ personal and financial information.
** Discounts: Property owners who pay their property tax online may be eligible for discounts.
** Peace of mind: Property owners can rest assured that their property tax payments are being made on time and in full.

Categories: Gujarat
Tags: vmc.gov.in

View Comments (32)

  • on 20th July i have paid my property tax through new banking and payment get successfully deduction but didn't get receipt can any buddy having idea what to do next because already payment ducted

  • Sir, I can not pay Online Property Tax despite many efforts due to the site problem. Please do needful at the earliest possible to make Property Tax Payment Online.

  • I made my advance property tax payment of 4044/- on 24/07/22 via UPI and status shows trans succ amount credited into billdeskpg.vmc AT hdfcbank.. But did not receive any receipt for my payment.. Can some help how can I recover my amount back or receive my paid slip. My census number is 12090070010XXXXXX

  • My census number 10-23-052-003-024-101 amount of 2119/- i make payment through net banking.money deducted from my account but receipt not generate. there will be a error like
    999--1-ORA-00001unique constraint (VMCORCS RECEIPT -PK) violated

  • My Census Number is 07-87-012-005-003-101

    Property Tax amount is 2937. I tried to pay this amount through NET BANKING option. However by this option, my respective amount is deducted from my bank account but online receipt is not generated & also there is no confirmation from merchant about this transaction.

    The same amount I tried to pay through DEBIT CARD. The transaction is successfully completed and receipt is generated.

    So the respective amount is deducted twice ( 2937 - NET BANKING ) + ( 2937 - DEBIT CARD option ).

    BANK told me to provide confirmation about amount deducted( 2937 - NET BANKING ), the amount not received by respective merchant. How can I show the actual status of this transaction since I did not received any receipt or any confirmation from merchant ( VMC ).

    Can anyone guide me how to provide actual status of this transaction ?
    Can VMC provide me the status of this deducted amount's transaction ?

  • Online payment for house tax website is not working. Please check it and make the website available for payment.

  • Manharbhai Tilakbhai Sangada ,C-69 Sai deep Nagar,New VIP Road.
    Census No:02-10-999-069-248-020
    Pin No:02-00001-020

    Please let me know the payment amount received against property tax for the yr.2016-17(ward:2 ,Bill No 202008191)& latest status of same A/C .

  • I have made the online payment for property tax for Census no. 06-18-520-005-123-020 on 31st July 16 via ICICI bank credit card but no payment receipt received.
    Kindly confirm the payment and provide the payment receipt on registered home address.

    Brijesh Patel

  • My property by census no 06-19-028-000-011-020 at Vadodara shows that my property tax of Rs 9763 is due for FY 2016-17. This comprises of Arrears of Rs 5043. However I had paid all the dues till now. The last bill paid for FY 2015-16 with receipt no 80010003 of amount Rs 4844 was paid on 07 May 2015. Till the last bill, there was no Arrears outstanding, please clarify regarding the Arrear amount of Rs 5043 billed to me in FY 2016-17.

  • We have made online payment of Property Tax. Transaction confirmation is received, but online tax payment receipt is not generated. Please advise how to get receipt of Tax payment.

  • I have been paid property tax by online but, cant get receipt, amount has deducted from my account. So please do.

  • I had paid Property Tax of my Tenant on 13/07/2017 through Inter NetBanking But Receipt was not generated & Complaint sent on same day & requested to send me Receipt through E Mail. But till date have not received Receipt. So please send me Receipt.

  • VMC Online payment website is not working.
    Tomorrow is last day of payment. I cant go VMC as I am in Mumbai.
    This is not Digital India At all and this way we cant have "Smart City".

  • For census no. 12-07-248-250-237-020 (Owner Mrs. Sindhu K. Samtani) I have already paid house tax online. However, the payment has not been registered and taken into account. As such, I repeated the payment procedure. However, again the transaction could not be completed and timed out. Since I was successful in paying the amount in first transaction, it is requested kindly to take the same in account and generate receipt for the same. It is meaningless to go on continuing with any further transactions to get the message of completion and generation of receipt. Needless to say, your service is very slow and stressful, as the transaction still remains incomplete.

  • Today I have paid property tax. My account has been debited but could not generate receipt. What to do for generating receipt ?
    Sensex no ; 03-15-221-095-060-020

  • My current bill for property tax was paid online. My banker has debited the due amount, but receipt not posted yet on my screen. What should I do?
    census 05-17-371-000-007-020



    • Hi Mitul,
      Wait for 7-8 days your bank will be credited that same amount back to your account. Some how vmc.gov.in is not working as per expectation.

  • My current bill for property tax was paid online. My banker hs debited the due amount,but receipt not posted yet on my screen. What should I do?
    Sensex 04-15-841-000-105-020

    • The same issue I have gone through. Please suggest me the solution to get back my debited amount into my account. There was no receipt generated by using NET BANKING option to pay property tax online.

  • Is there any site for non receipt of tax which is already debit from party bank account?
    In Ahmedabad city there is online post receipt show last five years. So people are comfort in smart city.

    • My current bill for property tax was paid online. My banker hs debited the due amount,but receipt not posted yet on my screen. What should I do?
      Sensex 03-15-632-000-000-101


      G.M.Chauhan Transaction No -GSBI4676110270

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