How to apply for Issuance of BPL Certificate Himachal Pradesh?

Organisation : e-Services Government Of Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Application for Issuance of BPL Certificate

Home Page :eserviceshp [dot] gov [dot] in
Apply here :eserviceshp [dot] gov [dot] in
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Issuance of BPL Certificate

The BPL consensus for the 10th Five Year Plan is based normative approach for identification of the rural poor.

Related : How to Register Death & Get Certificate Himachal Pradesh : www.statusin.in/6530.html

It introduces a ‘score based ranking’ on relative deprivation revealed by some socioeconomic indicators. Hundred percent rural household surveys has been carried out to secure information on a range of 13 indicators on each of which every household is to be ranked on a 0-4 scale. The number of BPL persons should not exceed the number of BPL in the state estimated by the Planning Commission for the year 1999-2000. The maximum ceiling of BPL households for the state during the 10th Five Year Plan on the basis of poverty estimates of Planning Commission for the year 1999-2000, was decided by the GOI, which comes 282370 BPL households in the state. The BPL Certificate will be issued by the Panchayat Secretary or Panchayat Sahayak as per the latest BPL list approved by the Gram Sabha after making proper entries in the record and will be countersigned by the Pradhan of the Gram Panchayat.

Competent Authority to issue BPL Certificate :
The Panchayat Secretary shall verify the online documents and verifies against pariwar register. Accepts if satisfied with verification, else rejects. If accepted, then shall issues certificate.

Application/Declaration :
The applicant, who wants to obtain the BPL Certificate, shall apply to the Panchayat Secretary using the prescribed Forms available on the eServices Portal under Application for Issue of BPL Certificate.

Verification of application/ declaration :
The applicant shall submit the application Form duly filled-in and verified. He shall state true facts in the application.

Eligibility criterion :
Supporting documents :
** Pariwar Register

Application Fee :
No fee is charged to avail the service.

How to apply :
** Open the eServices Portal on the following URL eserviceshp.gov.in
** Login to the Portal with registered user id. Register yourself in case of first time usage.
** Select Rural Development Department.
** List of all services under the department will be displayed.
** Select Application for Issuance of BPL Certificate , click on the Action link, which will navigate to Action Page.
** The Action Page contains the links to different methods for accessing & submitting the Application : (a) Submit Online, (b) Print Form, (c) Download Form and (d) Upload form

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Submit Online :
The application can be submitted in an online mode by choosing this option. User should fill necessary information on the application form and submit for processing. Details on what to fill in each field are provided to assist the user in filling the application. This can be accessed from the Help link displayed on the Menu bar.

Print form :
A printable version (PDF) of the Application form can be downloaded using this option. This serves as the template of the form which can be printed and submitted manually if required at the department. The downloaded PDF file can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Download Form :
An offline version of the Application form can be downloaded using this link. The downloaded form can be filled with the help of an Offline client, without a need for Internet connection. The offline form is secured and can be used only with the Offline client provided on eServices portal. Offline client can be downloaded from the portal from Downloads section

Upload Form :
The offline version of the application form downloaded and filled through the offline client can be uploaded & submitted for processing using this option. Once uploaded, the attachments required for the service will need to be uploaded. The portal will accept only a valid file that was filled using the Offline Client.

Note :
You are advised to submit forms online for faster processing of the application.

Steps involved :
Step 1. :
The applicant shall submit the application in prescribed format, along with necessary supporting documents, using one of the available methods.

Step 2. :
The application will be routed to the respective Panchayat Secretary.

Step 3. :
The Panchayat Secretary, who receives the Application for BPL Certificate shall validate the application form and supporting document.
** If the applicant’s details are insufficient, the application will be rejected citing the reason.
** If the applicant’s details are sufficient, the application will be processed further.

Step 4. :
If satisfied with the report, The Panchayat Secretary generates the certificate digitally on the eForms application. Takes a print and signs it.

Step 5. :
Then he scans the signed copy and uploads the BPL Certificate to eForms application and marks the Application status as completed.

Step 6. :
The applicant will be notified about the completion status along with the Product ID of the Online Certificate, which can be downloaded from eProduct module of the Portal.

Categories: Himachal Pradesh
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