chennaiport.gov.in Lodge Complaints Online Tamil Nadu : Chennai Port

Organisation : Chennai Port Tamil Nadu
Facility : Lodge Complaints Online

Home Page :http://www.chennaiport.gov.in/LodgeComplaintsOnlineMain.html
Register here:https://www.chennaiport.gov.in/

Complaint Handling Policy :
Definition :
Receipt of information about corruption, malpractice or misconduct on the part of officials of Chennai Port Trust, from whatever source, would be termed as a complaint.

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Jurisdiction of Vigilance Department :
** Complaints can be lodged only against officials of Chennai Port Trust.
** The Vigilance department has no jurisdiction over private individuals and other organizations of the Central/State Governments

Lodging of Complaints :
** Complaints from public, contractors, vendors, suppliers about corruption, malpractices or misconduct by Chennai Port Personnel may be given in writing, e-mails containing factual details, related matter and verifiable facts and can also be lodged directly on Port’s website
** All complaints sent by post to be signed and should contain the name and address of the complainant.
** The Port website has provisions for online registration and auto acknowledgement as well as to obtain the status of the complaint. Valid e-mail ID/mobile number to be furnished.
** Complaints made through e-mail should contain complete postal address.
** Complaints may also be made through toll free number 1800 425 0120 against corruption (10 AM – 5 PM) Monday to Saturday except 2nd and 4th Saturdays.

Action taken on complaints :
** Identity of the complainant will not be disclosed.
** Only those complaints which are against officials within the jurisdiction of the Vigilance Department and contain allegations of corruption will be investigated by the Vigilance Department.
** Once a complaint is registered, further correspondence in the matter will not be entertained. However, the Vigilance Department will ensure that the complaints are investigated and action taken to its logical conclusion.
** As regards to complaints against tenders, it is clarified that the Vigilance Department would get the matter investigated, however, it would not interfere in the tendering process as such.
** As the Vigilance Department deals only with matters of corruption, redressal of grievences should not be the focus of complaints to Vigilance Department.
** The Complaints should not be vague or contain sweeping general allegations.
** Complaints should be addressed directly to the CVO, Chennai Port Trust. Complaints should not be marked as a copy to the CVO/Vigilance Department in which case no direct action will be initiated.
** As per Central Vigilance Commission’s instructions, the Vigilance Department does not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.
** When in doubt, the pseudonymous character of a complaint will be verified by enquiring from the signatory of the complaint whether it had actually been sent by him/her. If he/she cannot be contacted at the address given in the complaint, or if no reply is received from him/her within a reasonable time, it will be presumed that the complaint is pseudonymous and it will accordingly be ignored.
** Serious notice will be taken if a complaint, after verification, is found to be false or malicious. There will be no hesitation in taking severe departmental action or launching criminal prosecution against such complainants.
** Complaints received under ‘Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers Resolution’ i.e. whistle blower complaints, the identity of the complainant will not be revealed unless the complainant himself has made the details of the complaint either public or disclosed his identity to any other office or authority.

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