Department of Transport Assam : Transfer Of Ownership

Name of the organisation : Department Of Transport,Assam
Type Of Facility : Transfer Of Ownership

Home Page :https://transport.assam.gov.in/
Download here :Form 29 : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/670-Form-29.pdf
Form 30 : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/670-Form-30.pdf
Form 31 : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/670-Form-31.pdf
Form 32 : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/670-Form-32.pdf

Transfer Of Ownership

When an ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred, the transferor shall have to report the fact of transfer in Form-29 and Form-30 (in duplicate) to the District Transport Office in whose jurisdiction the transferor and transferee resides or has their business places. Documents required for transfer of ownership as follows :

Related : Assam Transport Department Registration of Motor Vehicle : www.statusin.in/660.html

** Certificate of Registration
** Certificate of Insurance
** No objection certificate in case of other state vehicle.
** Valid P.U.C.C.
** Clearance of Road Tax
** Proof of address
** Fitness Certificate in case of Transport Vehicle.

Transfer Of Ownership In Case Of Death Of The Registered Owner :
In case of death of a registered owner of a motor vehicle the first legal heirs/the person succeeding to the possession of the vehicle will have to inform the District Transport Officer within 3 months of death of the registered owner. The legal heirs should apply with the following documents :
** Death certificate of the registered owner
** Affidavit by the applicant
** Application in Form-31
** Registration Certificate in original
** Certificate of Insurance
** Certificate of P.U.C.C.
** Proof of address.
** N.O.C. from the financier if the vehicle is held on hire purchase agreement.

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Assignment Of New-Registration Mark :
When a registered owner of a vehicle migrated to another state for more than 12 months, he may apply for an assignment of new registration mark as per the Section 47 of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. The application for assignment of new registration mark shall be made in Form 27 and shall be accompanied by a N.O.C. in Form-28 along with appropriate fees.

Traffic Rules and Guidelines :
At the beginning when the number of vehicle was very low on the roads of our country there were no serious needs for traffic rules and regulations.

But as and when mass production of vehicles begun and the roads flooded with different kind and class of vehicles the Government felt the need for a system to control the vehicular traffic.

In the year 1914 the first legislation as “Indian Motor Vehicle Act 1914” was passed in our country to regulate the motor vehicles and as well as other road users.

About Us :
Transport Department of the Govt.of Assam is one of the major revenue earning departments. This department yields handsome revenue to the Govt. exchequer every year. This department occupies a special position among all the revenue earning departments of Assam.

Originally, Transport Department was under the care and control of Home Department, Govt. of Assam till the last part of 1950. The affairs of Transport Department were looked after by an officer of the rank of Inspector General of Police during the relevant period of time.

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