DSLR Goa : View Mutation Status Online

Organisation : Goa Directorate of Settlement & Land Records
Facility Name : View Mutation Status Online
Applicable State/UT : Goa
Website : https://dslr.goa.gov.in/homepage.aspx

How To View DSLR Mutation Status Online?

To view DSLR Goa Mutation Status Online, follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : DSLR Goa Record of Rights (RoR) Information Online

Step-1 : Go to the link https://dslr.goa.gov.in/mutstatf114.aspx
Step-2 : Select Form Option
Step-3 : Select the Taluka
Step-4 : Enter the Mutation Number
Step-5 : Enter the Captcha Code
Step-6 : Click on the “View Status” Button.

There are two ways to view your Goa DSLR mutation status online:

1. Using the Directorate of Settlement & Land Records (DSLR) website:
This is the official government website for land records in Goa.

Here’s how to use it:
1. Go to the DSLR website: https://dslr.goa.gov.in/
2. Click on the “Mutation Status” tab.
3. Choose the type of mutation you want to check: You can select either “Form I and XIV” or “Form-D.”
4. Enter the required details:
** Taluka: Select the taluka where your property is located.
** Mutation Number: Enter the mutation number assigned to your case.
** Applicant Name (Optional): You can enter the applicant’s name for further filtering.
** Request Date (Optional): You can enter the date your mutation request was filed for further filtering.
5. Click on “View Status.”

The website will display the current status of your mutation case, including any remarks or updates.

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2. Using the Goa Online portal:
The Goa Online portal provides access to various government services in Goa, including land records.

Here’s how to use it:
** Go to the Goa Online portal: https://goaonline.gov.in/
** Click on the “Land Records” option.
** Select “Mutation Status.”
** Follow the same steps as outlined above for the DSLR website.

What is Mutation?

Mutation, in the context of property ownership, refers to the process of officially updating government land records to reflect a change in ownership or other property details. This essentially means updating the land registry to show who the current rightful owner is.

When is it required?
Transfer of ownership:
This includes scenarios like buying or selling a property, inheriting land, receiving it as a gift, or through any other valid transaction.

Changes in property details:
In some cases, even if ownership remains the same, changes like subdivision of the land or alterations to its use might require mutation.

Process & Benefits:
Usually involves paperwork and submission of legal documents like sale deeds, inheritance certificates, etc., to the local revenue department or authority.

Verification and Update:
Upon approval, the records are updated to reflect the new ownership or modifications.

** Provides legal proof of ownership for the new owner.
** Ensures proper calculation and payment of property taxes.
** Facilitates obtaining essential utilities like water and electricity connections.
** Minimizes future disputes regarding ownership.

Categories: Goa
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