Haryana Jamabandi : Check Deed Registration Appointment Slots Availability Online

Organisation : Jamabandi (Haryana Land Record Documents)
Facility Name : Check Deed Registration Appointment Slots Availability Online
Applicable State/UT : Haryana
Website : https://jamabandi.nic.in/DefaultPages/Default

How To Check Deed Appointment Availability in Haryana?

To check Deed Registration Appointment Slots Availability Online in Haryana, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Haryana Jamabandi Nakal Details Online

Step-1 : Go to the link https://jamabandi.nic.in/HARIS/AMSAptSlotsNew
Step-2 : Select the District, Tehsil, For Next(N) Days and
Step-3 : Click On Search Button

FAQ On Deed

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Deed

In the case of sale deed, conveyance deed, exchange deed, lease/rent deed, partition deeds by whom stamp duty has to be paid?
Purchaser has to pay stamp duty on sale/conveyance deeds. In the case of exchange deeds, both the parties have to pay stamp duty in equal shares. In lease/rent deed, it is payabvle by the lessee. In partition deeds it is payable by the parties in proportion to their respective shares. In all other cases, the stamp duty is generally payable by the executant of the documents.

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Name the main documents which are compulsorily registrable documents and under which section of the Act.
Mainly all documents relating to sale, conveyance, exchange, gift, settlement partition, mortgage, lease, decrees and release of immovable property of the value of one hundred rupees or more are compulsorily registerable documents under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908. The remaining categories of documents as mentioned in Section 18 of the Registration Act, 1908 are optionally registerable documents.

Is it necessary to incorporate full description of the property in the documents?
Yes, it is necessary to incorporate full description along with map/plan/details of adjoining houses or streets etc. to the boundaries of the property to which a document relates. It should be with reference to the survey number/Town survey number /House number and the village/street/locality, etc (Section 21 and 22 of the Registration Act, 1908).

Is there any time limit prescribed to get the documents registered ?
All documents except Will, shall be presented for registration within four months from the date of execution (Section 23 of the Registration Act, 1908). Section 25 of the said Act provides for consideration of delay up to four months on payment of a fine not exceeding ten times of the registration fee by the Registrar of the district. Wills can be presented at any time before any Registrar or Sub Registrar by the testator or after his death by any person claiming as executor or otherwise.

Can documents relating to the immovable property situated at Delhi be registered at Gurgaon?
No. It cannot be done because as per Registration Act, 1908 are required to be presented for registration in the office of Sub Registrar/Joint Sub Registrar within whose jurisdiction the property or a portion of the property is situated.

Is a power of attorney compulsorily registerable document?
Power of Attorney is not a compulsorily registerable document.

In the recent past agreements of sale have been made compulsorily registerable documents. Can these be treated as a title deed?
Agreement of sale cannot be treated as a title deed. However, this will give a right to its holder to obtain a sale deed in his favour. Registration will enhance its evidentiary value and credibility.

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