societyreg.karnataka.gov.in : Online Verification of Co-Operative Societies

Organisation : Karnataka Department of Co-Operation
Facility Name : Online Verification of Co-Operative Societies
Applicable State/UT : Karnataka
Website : https://societyreg.karnataka.gov.in/

How To Verify Co-Operative Societies in Karnataka?

To Verify Co-Operative Societies in Karnataka, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Karnataka Society Registration

Step-1 : Go to the link https://societyreg.karnataka.gov.in/Home/Verify
Step-2 : Enter the Name, Mobile Number, Email ID and Registration Number
Step-3 : Click On Search Button.

FAQ On Karnataka Co-Operative Societies Verification

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Karnataka Co-Operative Societies Verification

1. How can I verify the registration of a co-operative society in Karnataka?
You can verify the registration of a co-operative society in Karnataka through two methods:
** Online Verification: Visit the Department of Co-operation’s portal (https://societyreg.karnataka.gov.in/Home/Verify) and enter the society’s name, mobile number, email, or registration number. This provides basic information like registration status, type, and date.
** Offline Verification: Contact the Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies (ARCS) office in the district where the society is registered. Submit the society’s registration certificate or by-laws copy for verification. This can provide more detailed information, including financial records and audit reports (with permission).

Related Post

2. What information can I obtain through verification?
Online verification provides basic information like registration status, type, and date of registration.

Offline verification can offer more details, including:
** Financial statements
** Audit reports (subject to specific permissions)
** List of members (subject to specific permissions)
** Society’s objectives and rules

3. What documents are required for offline verification?
You need either the society’s registration certificate or a copy of its by-laws for offline verification.

4. Who can request verification?
Anyone can request verification of a co-operative society, but it’s crucial to use the information for legitimate purposes and respect the society’s privacy.

Offline Verification:
** Documents: Collect the society’s registration certificate or a copy of its by-laws.
** Contact: Visit the office of the Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies (ARCS) in the district where the society is registered.
** Verification: Submit the documents and request verification. The ARCS will confirm the society’s registration status and provide additional details if needed.

Additional Points:
** Online verification offers instant results, but it only provides basic information.
** Offline verification may take longer but can provide more detailed information, including financial records and audit reports (subject to specific permissions).
** If you need an official document confirming the society’s registration, you’ll need to obtain it through offline verification.

Categories: Karnataka
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