MEA Bachelorhood/ Single Status Certificate : Ministry of External Affairs

Organisation : Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)
Facility Name : Bachelorhood/ Single Status Certificate
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://www.mea.gov.in/bachelorhood-single-status-certificate-menu.htm

What is Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate?

A Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate is a document that officially declares your marital status as single.

Related / Similar Facility : MEA Attestation/ Apostile of Documents

It’s commonly used in two main scenarios:
1. Marriage Registration:
Several countries, especially when marrying a foreigner, require proof of your single status before registering a marriage. This certificate acts as that official confirmation.

2. Visa Applications:
Certain visa applications, particularly for immigration purposes, might require demonstrating your single status as part of the eligibility criteria. The certificate provides formal documentation for this purpose.

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How To Get Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate?

A Certificate of bachelorhood/single-status/eligibility to get married can be issued by a competent court/ SDM having jurisdiction of the area of the residential address of the applicant. This can be in the form of a certificate/ affidavit notarized by SDM which is required to be counter-attested by the Home Department of the State concerned. Thereafter, it is to be attested/apostilled by the Attestation Section of the Consular, Passport & Visa (CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.

FAQ On Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate

1. Why do I need this certificate?
This certificate is primarily used for two purposes:
** Marriage registration: Many countries, especially when marrying a foreigner, require proof of single status before registering the marriage.
** Visa applications: Certain visa applications, particularly for immigration purposes, might necessitate demonstrating your single status.

2. Who can issue the certificate?
Issuing authorities vary depending on location:
** India: Typically, Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), District Magistrate, or court authorities in your residential area.
** Other countries: Consult local government websites or embassies for authorized issuers.

3. What documents do I need?
Required documents generally include:
** Application form or request letter.
** Proof of address (ID card, utility bill, etc.).
** Proof of identity (passport, voter ID, etc.).
** Additional documents might be required depending on local regulations.

Categories: National
Tags: mea.gov.in
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