West Bengal Status of Acknowledgement Certificate of e-Deed : wbregistration.gov.in

Organisation : West Bengal Directorate of Registration & Stamp Revenue
Facility Name : Status of Acknowledgement Certificate of e-Deed
Applicable State/UT : West Bengal
Website : https://wbregistration.gov.in/(S(4iinnquvcxyjhrxv0mt5so5a))/index.aspx#

How to Check Status of Acknowledgement Certificate of e-Deed?

To check Status of Acknowledgement Certificate of e-Deed in West Bengal, Follow the below steps.

Related / Similar Facility : West Bengal e-Registration of Deed

Step-1 : Go to the link https://wbregistration.gov.in/(S(e3m5yxujrcyoxlxxbdng3jd4))/structure_deed/acknowledgementslip.aspx?
Step-2 : Enter the Query Number
Step-3 : Enter the Query Year
Step-4 : Enter the Security Code and
Step-5 : Click On Submit Button

FAQ On e-Deed Acknowledgement Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On e-Deed Acknowledgement Certificate

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What is an e-Deed Acknowledgement Certificate (AC) in West Bengal?
An e-Deed Acknowledgement Certificate is an electronic document issued by the West Bengal Registration Department after successfully submitting an e-Deed for registration. It serves as a confirmation that your e-Deed application has been received and is under process.

What does the Acknowledgement Certificate typically contain?
The Acknowledgement Certificate usually includes details like:
** Unique reference number for your e-Deed application
** Date and time of e-Deed submission
** Names of parties involved in the deed

What happens after I receive the Acknowledgement Certificate?
Once you receive the Acknowledgement Certificate, the department will process your e-Deed application. This may involve further verification and approval steps. You will receive notifications about the progress and be informed when the registration is complete.

About Department:
Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue, West Bengal is one of the oldest directorate under Government of West Bengal. Earlier the directorate was known as the Directorate of Registration. It was redesignated at its present form in the year 1994. As per available information, the earliest record on systematic registration in Presidency Division was started on 01.02.1781. Mr. Edward Tiretta was first appointed for a salary of one thousand sicca as registrar of memorials of deed affecting lands.

Initially the directorate was under the administrative control of Education Department. Later on it was moved under the administrative control of Judicial Department of Government of West Bengal. It has been working under administrative control of Finance Department of Government of West Bengal since 1993.

Since its inception in the British period, the directorate has been providing service to the people at all levels. It has taken several initiatives so as to provide better service to the people as well as to strengthen the exchequer. Among those, probably the two most important initiatives are – introduction of the concept of market value for calculating the amount of stamp duty chargeable on instruments relating to immovable properties, and implementation of Computerization of Registration of Documents (CORD) under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

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