Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana : dipr.rajasthan.gov.in

Organisation : Rajasthan Agriculture Department
Scheme Name : Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana
Applicable For :Farmers, who are interested in progressive and crop-specific farming.
Applicable State/UT : Rajasthan
Website : https://dipr.rajasthan.gov.in/scheme/detail/319

What is Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana?

The main objective of starting the Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana is to provide up to 50% subsidy by the Agriculture Department for providing seeds to the small and marginal general farmers of the state. Apart from this, free mini kits are to be provided to the farmers living below the poverty line. So that the farmers of the state take steps towards prosperity and self-reliance by producing seeds in their fields. And they can be encouraged to produce seeds for use in their farm. By getting the benefit of this scheme, farmers will be able to produce good crops at low cost. Due to this their economic condition will also increase.

Related / Similar Scheme : Nirman Shramik Jeevan Bhavishya Suraksha Yojana

Under the plan:
Selection of crop:
Seed production program of notified varieties of jowar, soyabean, groundnut, moong, moth, and urad in the Kharif season and wheat, barley, and gram crops of less than 10 years duration in the Rabi season.

Formation of farmers group:
Under the scheme, a group is formed by selecting farmers who are progressive and interested in the cultivation of a particular crop. Selection of 30 to 50 farmers in each group, by whom the area sown of that crop would be generally 50 to 100 hectares.

Selection of seed producer members in the group:
As per requirement, 2-4 seed-producing farmers are selected from the farmer group by the group itself. The rest of the group will be those farmers who will use the above-produced seeds for sowing in the coming year.

Free seed distribution:
Provision to make available the desired base/certified seeds (Stage-I) free of cost to the seed-producing farmers of each farmer group.

Training and Rogging for seed production:
There is a provision to spend Rs.30/- per farmer and a maximum of Rs.1500/- per training on one-day training of a group. Three one-day training programs are organized to give complete information about the seed production process to the farmers of the group. Payment to be made to farmers for Rogging (Rs.1000/- /Hect.) DBT/RTGS to the concerned seed producer is done on the account of the farmer.

Benefits of Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana

The seeds produced by the group of farmers will be used by the rest of the farmers for production in the next year.

Eligibility of Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana

Farmers, who are interested in progressive and crop-specific farming.

How To Apply For Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana?

Offline Application Process
** Applicant farmers have to go to the Agriculture Department office or Krishi Vigyan Kendra of your district to get the benefit of Mukhyamantri Swavalamban Yojana.
** Get the application form to apply under this scheme.
** Enter all the necessary information asked in the form carefully.
** Attach the required documents with the application form.
** Submit the application form to the same agriculture department.

Documents Required For Mukhyamantri Beej Swavalamban Yojana

** Copy of Aadhaar Card.
** Copy of Bank Passbook.

Categories: Rajasthan
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