Speed Express Consignment Online Tracking : speedexpress.in

Organisation : Speed Express
Facility Name : Track Consignment Online
Country : All India
Website : http://speedexpress.in/

How To Track Speed Express Consignment Online?

To Track Speed Express Consignment Online, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Pick Me Express Parcel Tracking

Step-1 : Go to the link given above
Step-2 : Enter the Consignment Number
Step-3 : Click On Track Button

Speed Express Business

Start your own business and be a leader in express industry. Want to establish own business ? Get connected with Speed Express.

Why Speed Express ?
** Speed Express is the lone firm in Eastern India which has reach in every nook & corner.
** Start with comparatively low initial establishment costs
** Profitable, sustainable and scalable business

Desired Franchisee Profile:
** Person who has an ambition to be entrepreneur.
** Have the ability to invest full time in the venture.
** Innovative and customer oriented

Franchisor support:
** Franchisees are provided complete guidance and training to run their Outlets
** Technical and Operational support

Franchisee Benefits:
Good return in the long run.

Speed Express has been always in search of people who have an ambition to be entrepreneurs. If you are interested in the express industry, do contact us.

About Speed Express:
If a journey of thousand miles begins with a step, Speed Express is here to create an opportunity for that step. With its Head Office at Hotel Bilas Complex, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati – 781007 and Regional office at 15C, Hazra Road, Kolkata – 700026, Speed Express is the lone firm to add reliable, fastest and flexible express and logistic services covering all the major locations in the Eastern India, with its own uninterrupted network.

We understand, that the object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be a foresight, system, planning, intelligence and honest purpose as well as hardworking. We are honest to ourselves and confident of our ability to translate your faith into action. Our concepts go through experiences as we are changing ourselves to motivate our attitude how well we can serve you. That is why, we have studied and work hard and done the best to us, always aiming for the achievements.

Speed Express is a venture born out of a need. In the fields of Express & Logistic Industry, specially in Eastern & North Eastern Region, there are many multinational, national, regional & local players but none has made their presence at all the major locations. Therefore, to fill up the gap in needs, Speed Express was born in the year 2008 to make it a ‘ONE STOP SHOP’.

Speed Express Contact

Address : Hotel Bilas Complex, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam, Pin Code – 781007
Phone : 0361-2463694
Fax : 0361-2463695

Categories: Courier Tracking
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