Meghalaya Transport : Addition/ Termination of Hypothecation

Organisation : Transport Department Meghalaya
Facility : Addition/ Termination of Hypothecation

Home Page : http://megtransport.gov.in/default.htm
Download Forms here : http://megtransport.gov.in/Forms_for_Vehicles.html

Addition Of Hypothecation :
If a vehicle is purchased on loan from a Financer, the same can be endorsed in the Registration Certificate. The documents required are :
** Form No.34 duly filled up
** Registration Certificate
** Valid insurance
** HPA fee of Rs.100/- is to be duly paid.

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Termination /Cancellation Of Hypothecation :
If a vehicle is purchased on loan from a Financer, the same can be endorsed in the Registration Certificate. The documents required are :
** Form No.35 duly filled up
** Registration Certificate
** Valid insurance
** NOC from the Financier
** CHPA fee of Rs.100/- is to be duly paid.

About Us :
The Transport Department deals with the subject matter relating primarily to Road Transport. The Department administers the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act and Rules made there under. The Department also controls, supervises and regulates the working and functioning of the various bodies under the Department. These bodies are the State Transport Authority and the Regional Transport Authorities. There is also a Corporation under Transport Department namely Meghalaya Transport Corporation which was constituted under the Road Transport Act, 1950. It is a major revenue earning department and has also an important and significant role to play in the matter of rationalisation, development and improvement of Public Surface Transport System.

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