NSIC Assistance to Wholesalers and Retail Traders

Organisation : National Small Industries Corporation Ltd (NSIC)
Scheme Name : Assistance to Wholesalers and Retail Traders (AWRT)
Applicable For : Wholesalers and Retailers (MSMEs)
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://www.nsic.co.in/Schemes/AWRTAgainstBG

What is NSIC Assistance to Wholesalers & Retail Traders?

The scheme is called as Assistance to Wholesalers and Retail Traders (Abbreviated as – AWRT) for purchase of Materials/ Goods and Service against security of Bank Guarantee. In order to assist Wholesaler and Retailers belonging to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), having Udyam Registeration Certificate, NSIC arranges to provide Working Capital Requirements. The assistance will be given for purchase the goods from the wholesalers/manufacturers /Retailers which is not prohibited by law or opposed to public interest.

Related / Similar Facility : NSIC Single Point Registration Scheme

Eligibility Criteria of NSIC Assistance to Wholesalers & Retail Traders

The eligibility criteria for Wholesalers and Retailers (MSMEs) who are desirous to avail assistance under Material/ Goods and Service AWRT Scheme would be

S. No For Wholesalers For Retailers
1. The Unit must mandatorily have Udyam & GST Registration. The Unit must mandatorily have Udyam & GST Registration
2 The Unit must be profit making for the last three years (i.e., profit before tax for last 3 years as per audited balance sheet.) The Unit must be profit making for the last three years (i.e., profit before tax for last 3 years as per audited balance sheet.)
3 The Unit‘s Sales must be over Rs 150.00 Lakhs in last 3 years (each year) as per the audited balance sheet. The Unit‘s Sales must be over Rs 100.00 Lakhs in last 3 years (each year) as per the audited balance sheet.
4 The Unit is purchasing goods from atleast two registered manufacturers who should be registered on GST. The Unit is purchasing goods from atleast two registered manufacturers who should be registered on GST.
5 The Unit must be having necessary respective business license, dealer/distributor certificate from respective principals and/ or compliance of other statutory requirements for carrying out the business. The Unit must be having necessary respective business license, dealer/distributor certificate from respective principals and/ or compliance of other statutory requirements for carrying out the business.
6 The unit must be having proper business premises i.e at least one warehouse that substantiate sufficient space in terms of business scale. The unit must be having proper business premises i.e sufficient space in terms of business scale.

Limit sanctioned to be calculated as follows:
30% of the average Sales of last three years of the unit (Subject to bank sanction limit w.r.t Bank Guarantee)

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Scope of NSIC Assistance to Wholesalers & Retail Traders

To establish a proper procedure for ensuring that Wholesalers and Retailers are served properly, and to impart guidelines to all offices of the Corporation while providing assistance to Wholesaler and Retailer (MSME units) for purchase of Material/ Goods and Service under Assistance to Wholesalers and Retail Traders termed as AWRT Scheme.

** Meaning of Wholesaler – MSMEs units engaged in that form of trade in which goods are purchased and stored in large quantities and sold, in batches of a designated quantity, to resellers, professional users or groups, but not to final consumers.

** Meaning of Retailers – MSMEs units engaged in buying products from a manufacturer or wholesaler and selling them to end users or customers.

** Meaning of Agents which inter alia includes distributors, consignment agents, traders, commission agents – “Agents” means a person, including a factor, broker, commission agent, arhatia, del credere agent, an auctioneer or any other mercantile agent, by whatever name called, who carries on the business of supply or receipt of goods or services or both on behalf of another;

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